The event kicks off
with Nova heralding the arrival of the Phoenix, and Earth's
Mightiest coming to aid him. This part of the story is very
dramatic, charged with action and heroics, and relying strongly on
John Romita Jr.'s pencils; while in Utopia, the same tired plot with
Cyclops and Hope Summers continues playing.

The Phoenix-Jean
Grey history is simplified in such a manner that it seems more like
a retcon; after all, the cosmic creature never killed the former
Marvel Girl. Even this early, the seeds are planted for this to be
an "all about Wolverine" story. The incident that triggers the much
anticipated confrontation is very well written, even though no
effort is made to make anyone sympathize with Cyclops; he acts like
a jerk the whole time. Once again, the Avengers come off as the
regal team, while the Cyclops-Emma-and-everyone-else group falls
short. Avengers:2 X-Men: 0.