Trinity War conclusion.
The Justice Leagues have been infected by Pandora's Box just like
The Outsider planned. Mysteries and traitors will be revealed as well
as the ones who are truly behind all the chaos... The Crime Syndicate.
So what do we get from this issue? I would say it was... good, but
not really that good. It was interesting some of the questions being
answered as most have been speculating during all these months, but
at the same time it made the revelations predictable and kinda
underwhelming, except for the traitors. I honestly can say that I
didn't see that coming and frankly, I'm not sure if I like it.
Another problem I had is that this issue didn't have a proper
ending. The Crime Syndicate suddenly appears and the issue is
already over, they didn't even explain what does the "Death of the
Justice League" actually meansand neither the true fate of the
protagonists that was pretty unsatisfying.
However, it was nice to see the comparison between what happened on
the FCBD issue and on this one. Some details were changed of course
and Mera's appearance is finally explained, it was nice to see that
most of the original plan was maintained here.
Reis is art was wonderful, he's always the right guy to handle an
Overall, it was good as I said, but not exactly the kind of epic
ending that I would have prefered.