Francis Manapul and
Brian Buccellato revisit the origin of the Scarlet Speedster in the
zero issue of "The Flash." While the story touches on the accident
that transformed Barry, the book focuses on the days following the
incident, as well as Barry's childhood and the losses he experienced
so early in life. Elements introduced by Geoff Johns during
"Rebirth" find their way to The New 52 continuity, with some added
mysteries surrounding Nora Allen's secret life and her final hours
before being killed.

The plot is very emotional as it deals with the emotions of a child
who has just lost his parents, but it's also about finding a purpose
and rising above tragedy; things that Bruce Wayne channeled in a
very different way after his all-too-similar experience. A new
character is also introduced; one that comes from a familiar
household, but clearly not the one many want to see. If the
intention with this is creating a ruckus, then mission accomplished;
"Daniel" will surely be followed with a magnifying glass by every
Flash fan. Strong issue.