Move away Fantastic
Four, because here's the third issue of the world's new greatest
comic magazine! What was at first an unfounded concern is now a
somber reality: The Fantastic Four are gone, and it's up to Ant-Man,
Medusa, and She-Hulk to make things right. Top on their list is
bringing Darla Deering back into the fold, and to do that, Scott
Lang has to go through the Yancy Street Gang first. Nothing in the
past several years has channelled Lee, Kirby, and that 60's vibe like
this little scuffle with the gang; an absolutely magical sequence.

I will be frank: Years ago, during the "X-Statics" days, I was a big
detractor of his work; cut to today, and I cannot imagine a world
without Michael Allred's fascinating and unique style. His and Laura
Allred's pages have beautiful finishes; they look as if done on
animation cells, rather than the conventional Bristol board, and
that's just one of the many features that make their art
incomparable. FF is by far the funnest Marvel title in the market.