Things take a
surprising turn when the Justice League reserves join the fight
against the atlanteans, and the creatures from the trench become an
unexpected third party in the bellic conflict. Cyborg loses another
shred of his humanity, Hawkman's character develops more with a few
lines than it has with 16 issues of his own book, a mysterious Atom
and bubbly Element Woman make their New 52 debut, and a revelation
leading to the big conclusion makes everyone fall off their chair. A
busy chapter with no dull moment.

Using Cyborg and
Mera as the cavalry is a nice touch, since Johns has worked hard on
both characters to get them much deserved exposure and recognition.
The whole thing with the big three trapped in cocoons is kind of
silly, but at least it serves the purpose of getting the heroes to
make amends, and even Batman to make a kind of admission/apology; it
is very subtle -it's Batman after all- but it's there. Pelletier
pulls some nice pages, but the kudos go to Rod Reis for bringing
cohesiveness to the story by coloring the entire crossover.