The New Guardians
face the "Rage of Angels" in a story written by Tony Bedard. One by
one, the representatives of the different corps are defeated by
Invictus, who after all, may not be the bad guy of the story. There
are big developments for Kyle, and once again we see why he is so
special, not only among the Green Lanterns, but all the other
Lanterns as well.

It is also clear in
this issue that the characters are accepting the fact that they are
a team; the evolution of their dynamics has been superbly written by
Bedard. Tyler Kirkham shines as usual with his pencils; he is
equally good at drawing splash pages and smaller panels, and adding
just the right amount of detail to not make the scenes feel neither
flat nor busy. Nei Rufino also deserves credit for his great
management of colors; not once do the pages look like a colorfest.
Great issue. Next month: The cavalry arrives!