This is the end.
Capri serves as the stage for Helena's final hunt, and even with a
huge price on her head, the heroine does not disappoint. Her
treatment of Ibn Hassan forces one to question whether by the end of
last issue she really did what she is being accused of; whatever the
answer is, there will be consequences beyond the end of this mini.

The art team of
Marcus To, John Dell, and Andrew Dalhouse shined throughout the
entire run; issue after issue they delivered a top notch product
with nice visuals, clean lines, and bright colors. Paul Levitz also
did a great job building a Huntress that will keep new and long time
readers happy. The story ends on a high note with some humor, and of
course, the much awaited connection to the world of Earth-2, which
becomes the "Yeah!" moment of this month. This is only the