Exodus returns to mortify the X-Men in
"Lost Tribes" by Christos Gage. Rogue's self imposed goal of giving the
students' lives a sense of normalcy is reinforced in this story, but is
also challenged as the former Acolyte and still madman shows up at the
school looking to cause trouble. Worthy of mention is the fact that
Frenzy had an important role in the fight, and her past as one of
Exodus' peers was acknowledged.

It was also good to see that there was
consistency in his characterization despite his long absence: he is
still a very powerful and not quite sane mutant. David Baldeon's art is
a bit too cartoonish, but also energetic and lively. The resolution to
the battle had a humorous component to it, but it was mostly exciting,
as the attack will cause the paths of the Gold and Blue teams to cross
for the first time since "Schism", and it will be awkward.