Inspired by the
successful line of action figures, Batgirl is the second mini
leading to the ongoing Ame-Comi Girls title. In this alternate
reality, Barbara Gordon and her cousin Carrie defend the streets of
Gotham as Batgirl and Robin from villainesses like Catwoman, Poison
Ivy, Harley Queen, and Duela Dent, the Joker's Daughter. Duela and
her associates bridge the Wonder Woman mini to this one, and magnify
the scope of the story to a major conspiracy.

Palmiotti and Grey introduce many interesting elements to the plot,
like the choice of sidekick for Batgirl; she and Robin remind me of
Electrawoman and Dynagirl from The Krofft Supershow fame; that,
along with the twists for Jim Gordon and another heroine who joins
in, are examples of fun findings one comes across during the read.
Sanford Greene's rough pencils are almost a complete opposite of
Amanda Conner's smooth finishes, which makes for a somewhat brusque
transition. Also, as opposed to Wonder Woman, Batgirl is not a
self-contained adventure, but only the first half of a larger story
that continues with Duela Dent's mini, but still an entertaining
three-issue series.