Top Cow’s Pilot Season program comes to a close
this week before the voting begins with the release of 7 Days
From Hell. Should this series claim your vote?
7 Days From Hell
sees the death of John a mercenary. Instead of going to hell, where
he rightly belongs, John is ‘saved’ by quite possibly the sexiest
demon ever created, Mandy. Mandy makes John an offer he can’t
refuse: perform hits for her within a timeframe of seven days in a
bid to be saved by god or spend eternity in Hell. John accepts and
hence why the story is called 7 Days From Hell because that’s
the situation John actually finds himself in.
The problem I had with 7 Days From Hell
was I didn’t feel any suspense in the story. I never felt like John
wasn’t going to succeed in his mission even though the issue tries
to set it up that John has no margin for error. Sure the way John
ends up succeeding was a little unexpected but the fact that he did
never was never in doubt. Maybe when it’s a series they’ll be able
to build suspense because they won’t be limited to a singular

I’m also not so sure where the story will go
apart from John appearing all over the globe to kill a variety of
people in 7 days. Don’t get me wrong that sounds cool and all but I
think there needs to be more than that. Maybe it will get a bit more
spiritual/supernatural with agents from Heaven and Hell trying to
stop John. If they combine those two elements then it could
definitely work.
That being said it is a pretty cool story that
could throw up some interesting characters and situations and I’m
already questioning whether John deserves or is worthy of redemption
as he is a total bad-ass. Even now he is doing evil to do good. I’m
also really interested in Mandy and what her deal is apart from
wanting to get back in Heaven’s good books.
The art work was fine. It’s not something that’s
going to blow you away but it’s also not going to leave you
disappointed it’s just a very efficient, solid style for telling
John’s story. It did kind of freak me out though that in a lot of
panels John didn’t really have eyes he always looked like he was
squinting or had them closed. Also a lot of people get shot but I
didn’t really notice any bullet holes. They didn’t have to go super
gory but something would have been nice, a bit of authenticity.
Like every Pilot Season entry 7 Days From
Hell has its flaws. The pace of the book was too rushed to
create any suspense but overall it seems like an idea that, if
handled correctly, could be really cool. It’s a shame only one story
can win as I’d be interested in seeing where 7 Days, Asset
and Forever all end up.