A surprise invasion
from Gorilla City serves as the catalyst to a most unexpected
alliance: The Flash and the Rogues team up to protect the Gem Cities
from King Grodd and his forces. Manapul and Buccellato, however,
take care in not making this a sudden truce, by forcing the Rogues
into helping out only after failing to do what villains normally do.
Meanwhile, the appearance of Turbine in Central city is about to
make him a huge threat, not because of his powers, but because of
the knowledge he holds.

There is a major
development for Trickster, a character that did not get a proper
introduction into the book, so this crazy move comes out of the
blue, but the visual execution is flawless. Speaking of, the heavy
action of the story is nicely illustrated, and the coloring helps
convey the sensations of heat, cold, speed, light, and electricity.
Oh, and more on the enigmatic Daniel West. Nice issue!