James Robinson's
exploration of Earth-2 takes readers to the kingdom of Dherain where
Steppenwolf has taken refuge. This interlude serves as a means to
introduce the much expected character of Fury, and to enforce the
idea that the title is not about the Justice Society, but about the
world itself, and the enjoyable process that has been unraveling and
discovering it.

Even though "Lazy
Sunday" does not reveal much about Fury, her presence sets the stage
for a possible new "Ternion" down the road -along with Power Girl
and Huntress. Robinson has also been clever enough to use a codename
that connects the character to the amazons and Apokolips, and
whether she is Donna Troy, Lyta Trevor, or even Barda, this Fury has
instantly become a fan favorite. Yildiray Cinar and Alex Sinclair
step up to the plate delivering very nice artwork. Overall, a great