Holy Cats! 06:07 pm
in Gotham, and Batgirl's chapter of "Night of the Owls" is the most
intense yet, and the one where the Court's assault on the city
reaches a chilling crescendo. The writers behind this crossover have
taken great measures to give their respective Talons independent
personalities and traits; Gail Simone is not the exception. Using
the Fire Balloon attacks of WWII as backdrop -a real life event- she
gives her Talon a tragic story that inspires in the reader a great
deal of compassion.

Ardyan Syaf also
delivers his best pencils thus far in the series. Here, Batgirl
looks simply stunning, and with the tweaks made to her uniform last
issue, the character just pops out of the page; the art is just
beautiful. Storywise, the issue has great thrilling moments for Jim
Gordon, while the final scene featuring the dominoed daredoll is one
of those spine-shivering moments that makes one say "O-M-G"