After reading this
issue written by Jimmy Palmiotti and Justin Gray, I started thinking
about those Firestorm fans who might be disappointed with -or
expected something different from- the Nuclear Man title. To those
fans I say: "The Ray is the book you were looking for!" Its youthful
and fresh approach, with touches of humor and campy situations, is
complemented by the writing style that breaks the fourth wall as the
character talks to the readers, making of this a fun and enjoyable

The visuals by Igle,
Perrotta, and Major are full of energy and dynamism, with panels
rich in color and detail. If there is something to object about this
issue, is the excess of character development. Added to the
previously mentioned fact that The Ray walks readers through his
inner thoughts, there was too much "Lucien and Chanti" in the story;
so next issue may want to bring it down a tad. Good issue
nonetheless, with lots of potential for this new hero.