First the good: The
art team of Yildiray Cinar, Norm Rapmund, and Steve Buccellato
continues delivering a great visual experience full of motion and
vivid colors. The mad Firestorm from Qurac adds yet another layer,
another point of view to a mix where each party believes they are on
the right side. Finally, Pozhar, the Firestorm from Russia who
debuted last month, returns in this issue to deliver his
questionable brand of justice.

Now the not-so-good:
The writing team cannot talk teenage language and should stop trying
to do it. Even though Jason and Ronnie are young and probably
impressionable, their acceptance of Zither's offer was absolutely
unrealistic; after the events of the previous four issues, anyone
with two ounces of heroism in them would have not even considered
it. Jason's scene with his father seemed taken from "The Stepford
Wives." Overall, below average issue.