The great grand
daddy of first person shooters has returned to the world of next
generation consoles that boasts some highly detailed and impressive
graphics plus good old fashioned first person shooter action. It may
not be the sequel that everyone was expecting, however it's a
solid shooter that will keep most lovers of this genre entertained.
The Good |
Lush 21st Century Graphics,
sturdy gameplay, great weapons and enjoyable boss fights |
The Bad |
Story is forced, main character
boring and supporting cast uninteresting |
The Ugly |
Missing the "fun" and over the
top action of the original game, Wolfenstein 3D |
Verdict |
Fun and competent game that is
missing the "X" Factor. |
I must admit that I
was a little disappointed with The Return to Castle Wolfenstein
a few years ago and
thankfully this new incarnation of the mythos has attempted to go in
another direction. Although it's missing the "fun" from the original
game, Wolfenstein 3D, this current first person shooter is quite apt
at what it does.

Story wise, gamers
play BJ (minds out of the gutter kids!) Blazkowicz, a US soldier of
the Office of Secret Actions (OSA) who is once again sent into the
Lion's Den in order to stop the Nazi's exploiting new occult
weaponry which could change the tides of war.
Amazing enemies.
You never know what
ferocious enemies the Nazis
will throw at you next as
they bring their dark
fantasies to life.
Epic combat moments.
Experience movie-like epic
action sequences as you
fight to prevent the Nazis
from unleashing the power of
the Black Sun, a war-ending
weapon of supernatural mass
Unique environments:
Explore the mysteries of The
Veil, a world between our
reality and the occult
underworld that offers you
combat advantages but also
new supernatural threats.
firepower. Go to
battle with a diverse
collection of Allied, Axis
and experimental Nazi
weapons. Earn gold by
working with the resistance
fighters, purchase upgrades
in the black market, and
customize your personal
Classic RTCW
multiplayer with an occult
twist. Revisit the
heart-pounding and award
winning class and objective
based multiplayer of Return
to Castle Wolfenstein; now
with occult-enhanced
Unfortunately you soon discover that the Nazi's are further
ahead than your commanders believe and now it's up to the
gamer to ensure that their dabbling is stopped dead in their
tracks. The best part of the original game, Wolfenstein 3D
was the over the top nature and sometimes politically
incorrect humour in the game and unfortunately Wolfenstein
on PS3 tries to be a little too clever in this respect.
What made the
original game fun is missing from this story and our hero is a
little too one dimensional as is his co-stars in the game. It's not
to say that the story is bad, it's just missing something unique in
this over crowded genre. In reference to the story, the game uses
in-game cutscenes which seem a little "low res" when compared to the
lush graphics of free-play. Although it helps get the point across,
some pre-rendered cutscenes or more realistic in-game cutscenes
would have helped.

At its core,
Wolfenstein is a traditional first person shooter where you must use
a variety of weapons to kill your enemies. There are some "squad"
areas in the game, however the majority of the game relies on the
single-player to succeed. Add in some great AI where your opponents
use the environment to their advantage and some funky "occult"
powers that allows the player to access the "Veil", a dimension
between ours and some hell dimension, it gives the title a true
supernatural feel and some cool powers with Matrix-like results.
The areas where you
explore are quite varied and diverse from battle scarred cities to
airfields and dark almost dungeon-esq areas for you to explore. Your
"veil" powers allow you to access secret areas in the game which is
kind of cool. Like the original, the game contains barrels littered
throughout the environment for you to shoot and blow up which is
cool and when you're in the "veil", you can even shoot the creatures
for similar results. Veil powers are used to assist with puzzles
such as slowing down time or crossing dangerous bridges.
When it comes to
weapons, the game is littered with a plethora of authentic weaponry
of the time, however where it does shine is through those weapons
with a science fiction feel to them such as the Tesla gun... very
cool indeed. You can even upgrade weapons in the game by finding
gold in the areas you explore which can then be used at the black
The German soldiers in the game are quite apt,
depending on your level, however the bosses in the game are really
cool such as the giant spider demon or those occult induced humans
who really look quite eerie and can sometimes be difficult to
Without spoiling the enemies that you encounter,
the developers should be commended for their variety, especially the
bosses. If you do happen to die, the game uses checkpoints and
certain mission objectives that automatically save and I must admit
that a user-based save system would have been better.

Graphically, the title is a visual treat on the
PS3 with some very impressive environments for you to explore that
contains some memorable special effects and gorgeous lighting
effects. The characters in the game are well modeled and quite
realistic at times and seeing you use the Tesla gun as it fires
electricity at your enemies is a treat to watch. The soundtrack has
this period piece to it with a touch of Hollywood War movie class
and the voice acting is apt, although a little boring and clichéd at
times, ezpecially ze French!
The game contains three multiplayer modes that
include Team Deathmatch, Objective and Stopwatch that is fun,
although no way as enjoyable as the single-player mode which is
quite interesting. Generally, it's the other way around in these
games. You have different classes to choose and I found no issues
with lag or connectivity. Although it's fun, it does not offer the
same replayability as Call of Duty but it should keep most
entertained for a few weeks or months at least.
In conclusion, Wolfenstein is a sturdy game with
some very impressive graphics, however in terms of offering the
gaming community something new, it's unfortunately lacking in this
department. For a game based on over the top action and story, it's
a shame that the developers did not return this game to its roots,
however if you're looking for an above average first person shooter
experience in World War II, there are far worse games than this, so
check it out.
Almost but note quite!