Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3
THQ's latest fighter has slammed its way
onto the PlayStation 3 and XBox 360 with Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3
which reunites gamers to two popular franchises, one of Marvel Comics
(e.g. Spider-Man & She-Hulk) and that of Capcom (Ryu and Albert Wesker).
At its deliciously gaming core, Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 is an over
the top fighter that is reminiscent of the classic Capcom game, Street
Fighter as you beat the absolute living daylights out of your opponents
with some brilliant combos and parries.

Ironically, it only seems like yesterday (Feb 2011) that THQ released
Marvel vs. Capcom 3:
Fate of Two Worlds which we gave a respectable 9.3 out of 10 and
here we are again? Not that we're complaining because fighters are
always good in our books, especially entertaining ones. But the question
must be asked why? We'll get to that a little further but first, let's
talk about the previous title.
Marvel vs. Capcom 3:
Fate of Two Worlds also faired well with the general gaming community,
especially the online tournaments as players pitted their skills against
others, each using their favourite tools, whether that's a character
from the Marvel or Capcom universe. However the main question is, how
does Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 fair in the grand scheme of things? We
get new characters, new environments, improved gameplay and snazzier

Graphically, the title looks like a carbon copy of the previous game
with slightly nicer graphics. However the developers have
addressed several of the nuisances that gamers found during their time
clocked up playing the previous title, not to mention a few bugs that
gave a few players the upper hand. So in other words, the bugs and
unfair nature of some characters have been fixed and this latest version
contains new
characters and generally better gameplay.
There are also
some new introductions and endings for the characters and the menu
system is definitely more slick. Characters are better animated and look
like their respected universes' counterparts, especially the cool Marvel
players. But apart from the slick graphics, it's all about the controls
right? You betcha!
Given that, the control system of Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 feels
considerably more sturdy and pulling off those combos does feel more
fluid. However the gameplay is where the excitement is found such as the
revamped team aerial combos. Depending on what character you swap
between can change the tide of battles, especially with the different
powers that it now rewards the players. This is definitely a great
tactical addition to the title.

Another bonus is that
even the existing characters in the title have new moves and more
importantly, the game feels more balanced because there were some top
heavy characters in the previous game. For example, X-Factor which is
basically the comeback system from the former game has been toned down
in order to prevent the almost dead from making a ridiculous comeback.
This is definitely a fairer option for all involved. It's also great that
you can activate this in midair now as well as opposed to landing dead
on the ground from an attack.
But what about the new
characters? There are 12 new playable characters to select, 6 from both
of the two different universes. The six new characters from Marvel
include Doctor Strange, Ghost Rider, Hawkeye, Iron Fist, Nova plus
Rocket Raccoon and the remaining six from Capcom are Firebrand, Frank
West, Nemesis T-Type, Phoenix Wright, Strider Hiryu and Vergil. Ghost
Rider is definitely my favourite with his powerful whip that kicks butt
from almost anywhere in the screen. Of course Phoenix Wright and his
transformation into a monster is pretty damn cool as well.
Also, each
of these characters plays considerably different to what's currently
available, ensuring some new gaming dynamics when you commence fighting,
especially the team fights. And for newcomers, the mission mode will
teach them the basics in this tutorial type challenge and by pausing the
game, it will display a detailed move list. There's even a chance to
play as Galactus for those Marvel fanboys and girls. Other game modes
include Arcade, Versus and Training.

Aside from your
single-player mode or local play, the game's online play has been
improved, especially when it comes to selecting matches and knowing your
real-world opponents. It's even better that characters have been made
more equal but most will rely on their favourites until they have
unlocked the skills of the 12 new characters. The developers have even
added a spectator mode so while you're waiting to fight, you can now
engage in some light entertainment while you wait. All in all, it comes
together well as a game.
Final Level
If you own the previous game in the series, I would find it difficult to
recommend this title, unless your a crazed fanboy of the Capcom fighting
games and then it's a totally different story. However if you never
played the previous game or missed the first two and you love fighters,
than Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 is definitely a game that you should
investigate as not only does it pay homage to the classic "2D fighters"
but the gameplay is quite flawless on the PS3. Sure, some people will
get away with button mashing, however there is a real sense of skill and
coordination involved in Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 and best of all,
once you have finished the title, you can try your hand at some online
player. Check it out!
Key Features
ULTIMATE ROSTER – Twelve new legends
from Marvel and Capcom join the
fray, bringing the roster of
characters on the disc up to 48, and
a total of 50 with DLC.
LEGENDS – Includes some of the most
iconic and celebrated characters
from the Marvel and Capcom
universes, including the
just-announced Nemesis from Resident
Evil on the Capcom side and Doctor
Strange from the Marvel universe.
The revamped roster also includes
Strider and Firebrand from Capcom
and Ghost Rider and Hawkeye from
BALANCED – Ultimate Marvel vs.
Capcom 3 offers re-balanced gameplay
that will provide accessible depth
for both newcomers and pros alike.
ENHANCED MODES – After many fan
requests, Spectator mode is now
available as part of an overall
improved online experience along
with other new modes and
STAGES – Includes eight new stages,
including tons of tweaks and
surprises added to existing stages.