Turbo Super Stunt Squad
Available on PS3 (Reviewed), XBox 360, Wii, Wii U, 3DS &
haven’t seen Turbo, the latest 3D animated film in cinemas
starring Ryan Reynolds, but from the trailers and general feedback it
looks like the harmless and charming fun that we’re used to from
DreamWorks Animation. Turbo Super Stunt Squad, the movie tie in
game doesn’t have the appeal of the film, and is once again another
below par attempt at cashing in on a film’s success.

Super Stunt Squad doesn’t follow the story of its film counterpart –
it’s not even a racing game, one of the main aspects of the film.
Instead, Super Stunt Squad is a poor Tony Hawk imitation
aimed at kids, giving players the choice of sliding their favourite
snail around five varied environments.
Every environment has similar objectives to Tony Hawk; collect
letters to create a word, score a large enough combo and completing
difficult jumps. Each stage unlocks after completing a certain amount of
these objectives and it’s very easy to have them all unlocked within an
hour of starting the game.

Super Stunt Squad doesn’t control as smoothly as it has to be in
order to complete objectives properly. Your snails turn too slow (these
are nitrous oxide snails so for them to move slow doesn’t make sense)
and there’s a delay between control execution and what happens on the
screen which causes the game to be frustrating and often maddening.
It’s hard to expect great things from a movie-tie-in title, but Turbo
Super Stunt Squad wasted an opportunity to be a harmless kid racer
and instead became a unsatisfying skateboarding game that can be
sometimes too challenging for its target audience of young children.