Tron: Evolution, it
is like Prince of Persia, but not. It is an ultra cool take on the
world of Tron, with free running moves that are just insanely nail
biting. With combat that can seem on the simple, side at times,
Tron: Evolution from Disney Interactive Studios is a blast of a
treatment to one of the best-known science fiction worlds ever.

Not to fear if you have not seen the
new film Tron: Legacy, the game does not give anything away. If
anything, it gives some back-story, as more a prequel of events that
shapes the latest film.
Our Hero Kevin Flynn, is now in the computer world it seems for
good… and some of his creations seem to be taking the whole perfect
world thing a bit far. The new life forms called the Isos show up
and there is distrustfulness from the existing programs. The virtual
computer world is turned upside down by Abraxas, a very nasty virus.
Never fear, players take control of the system monitor Anon.
Fighting your way through the system, using your light disk,
sometimes a cool ride on a light cycle or blasting the hell out of
targets in a light tank. Although I feel the light cycle sequences
could have been more plentiful.
As noted, though the free running take up a good chunk of the game.
Jumping and wall runs are not the only tricks of getting around.
Sometimes there is a sort of grapple hook effect that can be done
with the light disk to get to tough to reach places. Some of the
obstacles are real nail biters though and players will find
themselves re-compiled after getting derezzed many times.
Some of these runs
are real leaps of faith because there are times when you cannot see
where to go until your already leaping out into nothingness. Trial
and error abound until you know the sequence to use to get to your
destination. There is assistance in the game to show the path,
though this does not make the death (Derezz) defying manoeuvres any
Dazzling sequence of wall-to-wall bounding in spaces of three or
more and then leaping out into space and hoping you do not mix up
the button sequence for using your grappling disk to get to safety
are plentiful.
However, it is particularly that old gamer sense of accomplishment
when you do pull off a particularly hard sequence that puts the
smile on the face and gets you pushing onward to the next challenge.
There are some areas in particular at the beginning that there is
aid with letting the player know where to go. With the press of a
button, little dots show up and even show when you are to leap and
They are electronic breadcrumbs that appear to show you the way.
Later levels these seem to go away, so have a sharp eye and learn
the angles of the grid world or you are toast.

The game looks fantastic. Disney
Interactive Studios have gone to lengths to be faithful to the grid
world of Tron, including spectacular mind-blowing places never seen
in the films or anywhere else. It is a love letter to the fans of
the franchise.
That said, while combat in particular can turn into a mad button
mashing frenzy, most of the combat is done using the trusty light
disk. As the game progresses, players are rewarded points in the
form of memory, like in computer memory. Using these points, you can
upgrade the disks properties and ability effects. Such as more
damage from the disk to a target, or more health for the character.
Alternatively, the light disk can be enhanced further to explode, or
sending a rippling shock wave at an enemy through the ground, having
a heavy attack disk that deals more damage at the trade off, less
speed in the attack and recovery is also available. Fighting an
enemy is never overly challenging, if anything it’s having the
player out numbered that can give the enemy some edge.
If your health is low, the player can run Anon over some areas of a
wall and regain health. These light strips are plentiful through out
the game. Even with things getting repetitive, there is just
something about the battles in Tron: Evolution that keep me coming
back for more.
It is not an all out button mashing mess. In the confusion of
mashing buttons, and not taking time to think, it is a short trip to
having to start over at the last checkpoint. To get along smoothly
in the game a player does have to use some thinking. There are times
in the game that require some precise timing and dodging some of the
tougher enemies as they bunch up and gang on you. Just running along
in the game and over using the run and jump buttons in unison will
get a player starting over a section more often than not. Due mainly
because mashing the run and jump button together at the wrong time
can send a character bounding off a wall and into a fall and
derezzing into a pixelated data stream.

The sounds are spectacularly immersive
and the music appropriately sets the tone and feel of the game so
well. Acclaimed duo Daft Punk, who created the music score for Walt
Disney Pictures’ upcoming film “TRON: Legacy,” provided two of their
tracks from the film for TRON: Evolution -- “Derezzed” and “The
Grid” combine this with music from composers Sascha Dikiciyan, Cris
Velasco and Kevin Manthei and you have one major headliner in the
music department for this game.
Tron is a tough game to review; it looks spectacular. Yet, has some
area that maybe could have added more diverseness in the game
play….at the end of the day I can actually recommend this game. It
is one of those game/movie tie ins that do not stink. Has some fun
challenges and can be addictive, even with the minor frustrations.
However, if it were a total walk in the park with no challenge at
all, what fun would that be?
Tron: Legacy from Disney Interactive Studios is a surprising fun
ride. Short in the single player experience, but can have a longer
life with more diverseness added to the multiplayer free for alls
and team matches that go on.
Have fun, play games.
Edwin Millheim
United States Editor, Impulse Gamer.