The Fight: Lights Out
The Fight: Lights Out is an interesting
title and not just because it uses the new PlayStation Move control
system. As opposed
to those rather childish PlayStation Move and Microsoft Kinect games,
The Fight: Lights Out is actually a rather indulging and at times realistic
The game is also quite gritty with its street-like fights
and more importantly, the PlayStation Move control works quite well with
the concept. The
Move controllers are quite responsive and there is some
interesting game mechanics that definitely add a new level of accuracy
to gaming.
The only word of advice is that you need to ensure that your
Move controllers are securely attached to your wrist, unless you want
your flat screen TV damaged. Also, you need to fit... quite fit to get
the maximum out of this game as well.

The story The Fight: Lights Out is definitely like a bad C-Grade action movie
where you participate in a variety of illegal street fights.
Unfortunately the story is not fleshed out that well and they definitely
dropped the glove here.
The game does give the player some options for
customisation in order to tweak and change your appearance for some
ownership. You are also
trained by Danny Trejo who basically teaches you how to use the Move
controllers and what you need to do to win. Like other sport games,
there is also a gym where you can train such as the speed bag which is
once again, another tough and physical workout.
From here, it's time to
fight your way up to the top and lets just say that there a lot and I do
mean a lot of fights. As opposed to story mode, The Fight: Lights Out does
offer some quick games to keep you entertained if you have time
fFor lovers of online, there are a number of fight options from ranked
matches to quick bouts. Online did provide us with some lag but
thankfully it was quite smooth. One recommendation I do make is that
before you start playing, you need to make sure the Move is successfully
calibrated because if it's not and like all Move or Kinect games, it
will give the player some endless grief.
Your opponents in The Fight are quite diverse and can range from quite
easy to quite challenging but thankfully it's a relatively progressive
scale in difficulty. The gameplay is not just limited to your basic
punches either and thanks to the responsive controls of the Move, you
can really target your punches to make them count. However, all this
physical exercise does come at a price and with the Move controls, it
does give you a good workout.
The only problem with the controls is that
two Move controllers are required to successfully play the game. There
is an option to mix and match with other controllers but it loses the
It's a real shame that the Move starter packs for the
PlayStation 3 only comes with one Move controller because most games
support both controllers. By holding two Move controllers, these
replicate your punches in the game and the tracking of the game is far
superior for now, than the Kinect.

Apart from throwing punches, you also need to block by raising your arms
up to block and the game does sense how fast and powerful your punches
are. So when you want to do that final blow, you sometimes have to hit
hard, even though you are punching the air.
Another tactic of the game are special moves
which require the player to move the controllers in a particular
direction. Although a little tricky to do, these moves can sometimes
help if your almost down for the count or fighting one of the tougher
And just like a real fight,
you can move around a little to dodge or move away from attacks, thanks
to the PlayStation Eye camera. For a Move game, it's almost there... it
just needed a little more tweaking to perfect the control system.
The graphics of The Fight are quite detailed but because of the shady
world of illegal street fighting, the game is quite dark at times. The
fighters themselves look quite detailed and they do move with this
humanlike, sometimes catlike grace. Although they do look a little
"buff" and "square" at times.
The musical score is quite standard for a fighting game and the
voice acting is a little over the top as are the sound effects. All in
all, it's an above average presentation.

In conclusion, The Fight: Lights Out does
push the PlayStation Move away from those
cutesy children's games and gives more mature gamers an more adult
option. The controls work well but configuration is once again the key
to succeeding in this title and you need two Move controllers to play it
properly. Even though the gameplay doesn't change the
world of fighting, the Move definitely takes it out of the armchair
arena and makes you get physical. If you're lazy or like your
gaming relaxed, best look elsewhere! |