Saints Row the Third

The third instalment of the popular Saints
Row series has arrived on the PC, PlayStation 3 and the XBox 360 that
given the hype and controversy surrounding this game, it's a much
needed title in this rather stagnant gaming market. Best of all
SAINTS ROW THE THIRD successfully manages to not only take itself
too seriously but create a very sturdy game from start to finish. It's
definitely the game that most gamers wanted.

Although unfair comparisons have been made to the Grand Theft Auto
series (where did they go wrong?), the Saints Row series has managed to
fill a unique gap that many developers have tried but most have failed.
It's over the top nature and sometimes guttural humour has been
carefully interwoven with not just the story but also the gameplay which
creates an award winning formula that works 90% of the time.
With a star studded cast that include actors, wrestlers and even super
sexy pornstars, all the characters in Saints Row the Third have this
unique charm about them which helps in drawing you into this violent
world that is laden with political incorrectness. Also for those parents
looking to buy their kids a game for Christmas, let me say two words...
responsible parenting.

game has not been made for kids. It contains all sorts of adult themes
from excessive violence to sex and some scenes that would make a
ministers wife turn gray and run for the hills. But enough preaching...
PRAISE JESUS CHRIST! *kidding*, Saints Row the Third is actually
a thoroughly entertaining game that creates this amazing third person
action adventure game in this huge sandbox city.
Although the game contains various stories and plotlines, the gamer can
actually make quite a few choices in how their experience of Saints Row
the Third will play out which opens up the title for at least another
play or two... provided you have the time. Similar to the previous
games, players must create their own avatar to interact with this world
and needless to say, the customisation options are extremely in-depth.

Whether you want to create a character with good looks and bravado or an
overweight sexual gimp-like deviant, or even a ZOMBIE with undead
noises, the choice is yours. Once your character has been created, you
basically need to rebuild your gang again and time hasn't been
too kind for the Saints. As you rebuild your powerbase, you will soon
discover that with power comes wealth as not only do you take on other
gangs but also the entire city of Steelport itself.
Unfortunately there are other stakeholders in your way which include
"The Syndicate". The Syndicate have basically bought out your rival
gangs in Steelport as you valiantly attempt to regain your turf and the
money that comes with it. And then you have the authorities who are
considerably more powerful than the previous games.

game starts with a bang as the Saints are robbing a bank in
Steelport in order for an actor to be able to get into character for his
new Saints Row movie rolw which doesn't go quite according to plan.
Unfortunately they are given an ultimatum from this international
criminal organisation called "The Syndicate", join us or die. Of course,
you choose the later option which leads to a spectacular scene of you
going on a murderous killing spree on the plane that must be seen to be
believed. It's almost like a James Bond scene but considerably more
violent. Welcome to Saints Row the Third.
Without spoiling this thoroughly entertaining story further, your
initial time in the game is spent building up your own gang again and
recruiting your colourful lieutenants. Once you have re-established the
Saints as a force to be reckoned with, this is where the game goes into
high gear. As you engage in various story missions and submissions, the
game gives the player a considerable amount of choice of how to complete
the missions and more importantly, some decisions that you make impact
on how elements of the story will play it. Very cool.

mentioned, there's plenty to do in the game from saving hookers from
their pimps to even searching for collectible sex dolls. Navigating the
world of Steelport can be done through a variety of methods from walking
to driving a plethora of vehicles. I must admit that compared to the
original Saints Row title, the driving mechanics have received a much
needed makeover that feels more responsive and smoother. The refined
vehicle controls makes driving or flying through the city a much more
enjoyable aspect of the gameplay, especially those high speed chases
through the streets of Steelport.
Apart from exploring the city and increasing your gangs powerbase,
combat is needed to achieve your goals. Combat is definitely more
outrageous and violent than the previous games, especially with its new
weapons, including sex toys. When I first saw my character with a giant
purple dildo, I could not stop laughing as I belted my enemies with
it... what a way to go!

Whether you're fighting hand to hand combat or using another weapon such
as the dildo for melee combat, Saints Row the Third has a plethora of
ranged weapons which really do some damage, like the rocket launchers.
The choice of weapons is quite ridiculous but most gamers will rub their
hands together with glee. In relation to melee combat, your character
also has access to a powerful combo-attack to put down your enemas.
those with the Professor Genki' DLC, it adds a deadly game show to the
title called Murder is Fun Time which puts you in this almost
Running Man (Arnold Schwarzenegger) environment as you try to survive
from mascot killing psychopaths. I just love the variety in this game!

lovers of multiplayer, they have not been forgotten in Saints Row the
Third. Apart from the option of playing the campaign mode with a friend,
there is a controversial new mode called "Whoremode" which is
reminiscent of the Gears of Whore... err... War, Horde mode. This allows
you to fight a never ending hoard of whores as they attempt to
kill you or for something even stranger, a never ending hoard of gimps.
I know what you're thinking... WTF. Although multiplayer is not the
central aspect of Saints Row the Third, what is there is almost enough
for that online fun.
Graphics & Audio
Graphically, this game looks great on the PS3 with its FULL HD visuals.
From detailed environments to whacky characters, Saints Row the Third is
like a living breathing city with a touch of cartoon violence thrown
into the mix. Lighting, textures and special effects all look quite
realistic and best of all, the game keeps its frame rate quite high.

acting is an exceptionally high quality and with the inclusion of
pornstar extraordinaire and real-life hottie Sasha Grey (don't ask how I
know this... I'm a good researcher), crazy man Hulk Hogan and
professional actor Daniel Dae Kim. Not just these three actors but ALL
actors in the game really lend themselves well to their characters which
assist in making the game such a hoot to play.

Oops... how'd this slip in? Sasha Grey
as the lovely Viola

from all the realistic sounds of the city, including your mayhem of
murder, death, kill, Saints Row the Third has a really awesome
tracklisting that includes bands such as the Deftones, Butthole Surfers
and even Faith No More plus lots of other singers like Kayne West and
even classics like Bach. I thoroughly enjoyed the radio stations
included in the title as well that adds to the realism and more
importantly, fun factor of the game. It's definitely a game that should
be listened through a surround sound system. All in all, the amazing
gameplay, awesome graphics and kick-ass sound have created one of the
best games of 2011.
Final Level
In conclusion, Saints Row the Third is a fun and extremely
ridiculous game. It's definitely the most fun I've had on the PS3 for
quite some time and it's great that Volition have taken the piss out of
the gaming world with this release. From its almost perfect gaming
engine to amazing environments, Saints Row the Third is oozing with more
action than all of Hollywood put together and best of all, everything
comes together quite well in this over the top game. If you want a game
that will allows you to complete how you want, than this is the game for
you and when you've finished saving the city of Steelport,
actually, enslaving it, than why not jump back into whore mode for some
even more crazy fun. Highly Recommended from start to finish.
Key Features
The Top - Like a lapdance from a
porn star, the action is naughty,
fun, and better than anything you're
getting at home.
City of
Sin - Disrupt and dismantle the
Syndicate stranglehold on weapons,
cybercrime, and sex trades. Discover
the secrets of Steelport, where
there is action on every street
corner, for better or, more likely,
of Crass Destruction - It's one
thing to defeat your enemies. It's
another to humiliate them. Hover
jets, human cannonball cars and
sex-toy warfare are all part of the
Madness - Give naked skydiving a
try, landing in your partner's
flaming pickup as you make a suicide
run toward a heavily armed Syndicate
brothel. Steelport is more fun with
a friend.
Initiation Station - Create, share,
and download the most outlandish
characters every seen, from
washed-up celebrities to naked ninja
pirates. Inside every sinner, there
is a Saint.