While home console owners have gotten a raw deal with some of the
latest games in the Resident Evil franchise, 3DS owners were
treated to something special last year. The game in question was
Resident Evil Revelations that was a missing chapter between
Resident Evil 5 and 6. The story of Revelations began on
the ghost ship of Queen Zenobia as players took control of Jill
Valentine who was ordered to find her two missing team members.
However, in classic Resident Evil fashion, things never go
according to plan. Fans of the series will also be pleased that you
can play as other characters from the series such as Chris
and Jessica. Not only did this game move back to a simpler
time but was easily the best Resident Evil game in quite some
time, especially with the tweaks on the 3DS. Fortunately the
developers knew that they were onto a winner and now PS3 (Reviewed)
and XBox 360 owners can experience this revamped and deliciously
evil 3DS port.

terms of controls, Resident Evil Revelations has been well
mapped on the DualShock controller and is considerably smoother than
the 3DS incarnation, even though it boasted the Circle Pad Pro. As
you use the analog stick to control your character in the gaming
world and use your shoulder buttons to shoot and scan the
environment, everything feels quite fluid. My only gripe is that the
game feels linear in where you can explore as the developers have
strategically placed boxes and other items in your way, which
creates this almost cattle dog approach to gaming.
There is a HUD map in the top right hand corner of the screen but it
still feels like the game is telling you where to go… in addition,
when will the developers allow me to jump or even better, an open
world Resident Evil game? I think Tomb Raider has spoilt me,
although Jill Valentine would definitely give Lara Croft a run for
her money! The game is also broken into around 12 chapters with
certain objectives that must be completed before you can move on.
The save system works well and the missions can be quite frightful
at times.

Next time zip-up Rachel before going into battle!
With that said, the atmosphere behind Resident Evil Revelations
pays homage to the original games and due to the limited amount of
ammunition, the game can be quite nerve racking to play, especially
when you realise you have just wasted your last bullet. Fleeing is
sometimes an option or you can engage your enemies with melee
combat, provided you have timed it correctly. There are variety of
difficulty levels and I must admit that the highest difficulty level
is insanely hard, especially in terms of combat.
However nothing is more satisfying than aiming your gun at the head
of your enemy and then managing to get a row of headshots to
incapacitate your foe. Apart from combat, you need to use your
scanner to look for items which is similar to detective vision from
Batman Arkham Asylum. It's quite cool, although a little
fiddly to use at times but you are awarded health when you scan your
dead enemies. Guns however are the key to surviving Revelations and
players can upgrade these items for additional grunt. Even though
the gaming is a little dated, it's still such a blast to play even
with the linear gameplay and missing jump button.

Unlike the 3DS version, the graphics are next-gen console worthy and
is on par to some current PS3 releases. From lush cinematics to
detailed in-game graphics, Resident Evil Revelations looks
great on the PS3, especially the character model of Jill who is not
only oozing with sex appeal but moves with a human-like grace.
Enemies are equally as detailed and when you shoot your guns at
them, you can see blood and body parts fall away. The environments,
even the outdoor areas truly enhance the gameplay and whether it’s
the apocalypse-tarnished beach at the start of the game or the
cramped corridors, everything comes together perfectly.
Another highlight from the 3DS which thankfully made the transition
to the PS3 are the recaps of the game when you return to your save.
These "Previously on Resident Evil Revelations" moments help recap
the player on what has happened since they last played and serve as
a handy reminder on what to do next. Once you have finished the
story or if you want a break from the campaign, the game does
contain a fun co-op mode called Raid. This allows players to team up
together and take on the world of monsters in pure George Romero
zombie fashion. Although not as memorable as the campaign, it does
give you a great distraction.

Final Thoughts?
the end, Resident Evil Revelations is one of the best
Resident Evil releases for the home console that offers players
around 10 hours of addictive and adrenaline pumping moments in the
campaign mode. Although the story is clichéd and the voice acting is
sometimes over the top, Revelations has enough grunt to keep fans of
this series and the genre happy. The gameplay is a little dated,
especially considering it came from the 3DS but the story and
atmosphere more than make up for this. With a brilliant musical
score, Resident Evil Revelations is the perfect distraction
for gamers who are waiting on the next AAA title.