Just when you
thought, it was all over for the game Red Dead Redemption, the folks
at Rockstar Games bring out a wickedly spectacular twist to the old
west. This DLC is more than worth the price of the download, it adds
some frantic fun to the Red Dead Redemption world.

John Marston is back
and this time with a supernatural twist. Marston’s family is
infected with some odd plague that seems to turn the infected into
flesh-eating zombies.
Setting out to find a cure and to stop the spread of this zombie
plague town by town and grave yard by grave yard. Fighting the
zombie hordes can be tough, with limited ammo your best friend when
getting a mob of these creature heading your way is that ability to
slow time down. Plan your shots, because that old try and true
mantra in any zombie film or story holds true here. Shoot them in
the head. Hits to the body will slow zombies down and you will just
waste a lot of precious ammo that way.
These creatures wander about in the towns that they knew so well in
life. Beware though; when they become aware of your presence, they
come running at you in packs. They are relentless and in great
numbers can over take you, if you let yourself get surrounded.
There are several different types of horrors. The standard zombie,
then big ones that get close and rush in to knock you down. Then
there is the freaky one that skitters about on all fours. I have no
idea why, but those are the most disturbing to me. The plague of
zombie infection does not stop there though. Animals are affected as
well. There are zombie wolves, bears, and other critters too. Think
that is cool, How about saddle up on a zombie horse?
The over all look and sounds have been enhanced for this very
special DLC.
Just something about the color palette and the lighting that the
game designers created for this DLC, it is spectacular; in mood and
over all look. Moody shadows and rays of light peeking through cloud
cover and the ghostly to blood-tinged moon in the sky. All of it
combines in a symphony of physiological terrors that make it a true

The dialogue and cut
scenes are nothing but good fun and the designers of course stuck in
several clichés along the way. Like oh wait I will go down this
abandoned street by my self unarmed….AHHHHHHHH, of course they are
jumped from a dark alley and killed. The dialogue many times is
tongue and cheek cliché and it is obviously meant as good fun.
Things do not stop with just a single player experience. Rockstar
brings us a full package here including some enhancements for
multiplayer. There is Undead overrun….players must hold out against
swarm after swarm of the undead hordes. Coolness abounds.

Rockstar delivers
more than expected, and truly live up to their company name. So far,
they hold the crown as Rockstar’s of the gaming world.
Have fun, play games
Edwin Millheim
United States Editor
Impulse Gamer