PUMA After Hours Athletes
Okay... I admit it... I'm not a huge fan of
the PlayStation Move controller and as a hardcore gamer, I still believe
that the DualShock controller is still the future of gaming.
specifically, after eight hours of work, the last thing I want to do is
get physical so yes, maybe I'm a little lazy and jaded but... it's good that
developers are still trying to challenge the gaming community with this
Wii-like controller.
This is where developers XDev come into play with their latest PlayStation Move game
entitled PUMA After Hours Athletes that
sounds right up my alley... that is, no ridiculous swinging or hammering
with the controller.

Unlike those mini-games aimed at the younger market which generally
involve lots of arm moving, PUMA After Hours Athletes is a much more
surreal PlayStation Move game that successfully recreates three games
that are quite uncanny in their realism.
The games in question include ten
pin bowling, darts and pool but more importantly, all three games play
exceptionally well with the PlayStation Move controller.
If you have a
3D TV, the game takes on a new perspective which almost makes it feel
like you are in the clubroom or the bowling alley as you are transformed
into the ultimate after hours athlete with PUMA: Top Darts, Hustle Kings
and High Velocity Bowling.
If the games in question sound a little
familiar, that's because they were originally released on the PSN as
independent games, however Sony have compiled them into one accessible
Blu-ray release and best of all, it's quite affordably priced at

Even though the game supports a decent single-playing game, there is
also an option for local multiplayer and online play with up to
At its core, all three games play exceptionally well and the
accuracy of the PlayStation Move controller is quite
impressive, especially for this type of game. It may not be the latest
Call of Duty or Need for Speed but for bowling, darts and pool, the
virtualisation of the controllers creates a rather fun game, especially
when you have your mates over.
For the uninitiated, gamers use the Move
controller to mimic the real-world movements of these three sports so
when you bowl your bowling, you need to pretend that you have a real
bowling in your hand and go through all the gestures. Sure, these games
have been done before on the Nintendo Wii but on the PlayStation 3, the
accuracy is tenfold and comes with the FULL HD graphics, wow.

However what impressed me the most was
PUMA: Hustle Kings that actually allows you to perform a variety of
real-world pool shots and even tricks. It's quite eerie how realistic
the physics are in this game and the PlayStation 3 does a decent job at
monitoring how you shoot the virtual ball.
Darts is equally as
entertaining and if you've played darts in the real-world, PUMA After
Hours Athletes once again scores more goals with its exceptional
realism. But for me, High Velocity Bowling is where the action is found
that allows you to perform a variety of shots with your bowling bowl and
when combined with the 3D graphics, it's like you are in some virtual
bowling alley with sounds to boot.

Graphics & Audio
Graphically, PUMA After Hours Athletes supports stunning 1080p graphics
that is definitely not your younger mini-game collection. The graphics are slick
and quite mature which ensures that this game can be played by a variety
of people.
I actually commend developers XDev for creating three
intricate games that look good as opposed to those dime a dozen mini-games with no
substance and basic graphics.
Even the sound effects have this earthy
feel to them and when you hit those pins, you can hear the echo
reverberate through the alley or that high pitched whack of two pool
balls hitting each other. Very clever.
Final Level
If you missed these three excellent games from the PSN, than you really
should investigate PUMA After Hours Athletes if you're after a more
adult oriented PlayStation Move title.
Best of all, there is some great
gaming mechanics and physics used in all three games that recreate three
real world games quite well on the PS3, especially with 3D.
With Christmas around corner, this title may be the
perfect title for those gamers looking for something a little more
substantial with their investment of the PlayStation Move.