One of the most
original and anticipated games returns on the Mac, PC, PlayStation 3
and XBox 360 with Portal 2 finally landing on our shelves.
Originally based on the Half-life engine, this game featured some
of the most innovative gameplay in years as it allowed players to
create their own portals in this first-person shooter inspired
More importantly, the developers of this sequel, Valve have managed
to successfully build on their original premise and create a worthy
successor that really makes the gamer think in order to solve these
puzzles in the destroyed Aperture Science Labs.

Joining the player again is GLaDOS, an artificial intelligence who has
been dubbed as the "occasionally murderous computer companion" who
assisted the player in the first game. What makes Portal 2 even more
unique is that the game supports a totally separate two player
cooperative campaign which requires the players to truly work in
Add in an engaging new story,
some revamped game mechanics
and good graphics and when I first put the game in, I thought
to myself... I'm truly home again. For me, Portal 2 is less a first
person shooter as opposed to a radical puzzler that really
challenges the way we interpret physics. With that said, the
problems that you encounter in Portal 2 and just like the original
are something totally different which had me cursing on quite a few
occasions when I got stuck.
The story of Portal 2 also fills in the blanks from the first game
and truly opens up this universe with some of the plots from the
original being resolved. Players still control Chell, the original
protagonist from Portal 1 and from the very first moment you
awake, things have really gone to hell since you last visited the
Aperture Laboratories. The fist chapter of the game acts as a
tutorial, teaching you the basic ins and outs of portal creation and
more importantly, the physics of this universe.
You are also joined
by Wheatly, a small orb shaped robot which time has not been very
kind too as its databases seems a little rusty to say the least. Wheatly is brilliantly voiced by Stephen Merchant (The Ricky Gervais
Show) who had me smiling on more than on occasion and definitely
adds some much needed comedy relief. GLaDOS on the
other hand is still as spooky and creepy as ever with her great
one-liners such and sly remarks about you destroying the facility or
just not being a very nice person. One minute the AI is oozing with
praise, the next... it wants you dead. The conversations between
Wheatly and GLaDOS is a pure treat to watch unfold as well.

The gameplay of Portal 2 will make the player feel
ecstasy and
despair at the same time. As you attempt to comprehend the
strange physic bending puzzles in the game, sometimes you'll just
kick yourself as the answer was staring you right in the face. The
main object is to use your portal gun which basically shoots two
different coloured portals that are linked together. These allow
you to access different areas in the game which can be quite a
head spin at the start because they defy the physics of the real
world. For example if you shot one portal on the floor and the other
on the ceiling and you jumped in the portal on the floor, you would
find yourself in an endless loop for eternity.
And then to give you
a gamers headache, the title throws in all sorts of puzzles to help
you reach your destination, such as moving cubes through portals to
be placed on a touchpad to activate something like a stairwell or
shooting portals to manipulate where a laser beam points. This is
the beauty of Portal 2 and although sometimes extremely frustrating,
when you do find a solution, you really feel good about it. Add in
blobs and tractor beams and sometimes your brain is trying to figure
out what's up and what's down.
thing about Portal is that it is quite addictive and after
completing one section, I always wanted to play another and then
another, hence the speedy review. If you do become stuck, Valve
often leave many clues around such as posters with simplistic
pictures explaining what you actually have to do. There's also Wheatly and GLaDOS who can also offer
some assistance. However if the
frustration is overbearing, the game uses an auto-save mechanism, so
sometimes a few hours off or a day is enough to help your brain solve
the puzzle.

Multiplayer has received a unique
facelift in this game as Steam
incorporates the console world onto their servers. In essence, this
means cross-platform multiplayer so you could be playing against PC
gamers or even Mac. This also includes chat as well. By purchasing
the PS3 version, gamers of this console will be able to unlock the
PC steam version of game. Valve have confirmed that additional DLC
will be available in the future but for now, the game is more than
However another highlight of the game is the co-operative
mode which starts from right at the end of the original game and
helps fill some of the gaps from what has happened from the end of
number one to where the single-player game ends. I must admit that if
you thought the single-player game was a total mindf**k,
cooperative really ups the ante, especially as both players have
portal guns which can make a total of four portals. Valve as devious
as they are, ensure that without cooperation, you ain't going
This is where headsets really come into play as you do
need to talk out the puzzles between yourselves. If you don't have
headsets, the game does
contain enough basic communication options on the PS3 to almost get
you through. Lastly, the two little robots that you control in the
cooperative mode, Peabody and Atlas are such a treat to play and
even though they have no facial features, they are full of emotions
and GLaDOS really adds to their personalities.
Graphically, Portal 2 looks fantastic on the PS3 with its clean
graphics that although quite Spartan at times on one hand, has some
amazing detail on the other. It's a very strange amalgam that works
perfectly in this title. The environment that you navigate is pure
ingenious and Valve have really pushed their Source Technology to the
limits. Even though the engine used in this game was incorporated
into Half Life 2, it's received some much needed developer love here and the
world of Portal really comes alive.
Seeing the crumbling Aperture
Laboratories as mother nature attempts to claim it back is also a
journey because once GLaDOS kicks into gear, she begins to change
the environment just like the excellent sci-fi movie, Dark City as
the laboratories come to live as this serial killer like AI begins
to control the machines.
Add in some really amazing special effects, especially with the
portals and this works well with the gameplay that sucks you in
right from the start. Featuring an original soundtrack, the music of
Portal 2 helps sooth the savage gamer and fits well in this
remarkable upside universe that would make M.C. Escher quite proud.
Of course you cannot beat the great voice acting of both GLaDOS and

After completing Portal 2, it's great
that Valve have continued on their original premise because this is
the perfect game for those gamers caught in the doldrums of endless first person shooters, racers
and sport games. Originality is the key here and Valve have succeeded
on just about every surreal and cerebral level with its puzzles. The
introduction of new characters into the story plus the wit and
sarcasm of both Wheatley and my favourite AI creation in existence, GLaDOS truly create one of the most unique gaming experiences of
2011. Just make sure you leave your gun at the door when you play
this one. Just be warned that this is the most frustrating game that
I have ever played as well.