PlayStation Plus

As the changing face of Sony continues,
their latest service for PlayStation (PlayStation 3 and Vita) users is a
new subscription service called PlayStation Plus which for just
$69.95AUD per year, it gives users 14 free games to download and more
than 65 games over the full year of your subscription. This is broken
down to 26 for PS Vita and 39 for PS3.

Apart from the free games for just
$69.95AUD or $19.99AUD for 90-days, it offers some wonderful game
discounts of up to 10% off store promotions. As mentioned, the service
is not just for the PlayStation 3 (PS3) but also the PS Vita and
currently, the following games are available on launch;
Quantum Conundrum (PS3)
Race Stars (PS3)
Guardians of Middle Earth (PS3)
Little Big Planet 2 (PS3)
MotorStorm Apocalypse (PS3)
inFamous 2 (PS3)
Gravity Rush (PS3)
Dead or Alive 5 (PS3)
Mass Effect 3 (PS3)
Uncharted Golden Abyss (PS3)
Joe Danger 2 the Movie (PS3)
Metal Gear Solid HD Collection (PS Vita)
Gravity Rush (PS Vita)
Lumines Electronic Symphony (PS Vita)
To install this service on your PS3 or PS
Vita, you simply just head to the PlayStation Store and purchase the
subscription service which gives the user a choice or either a 90-day
subscription or a 360-day subscription. This gives the user access to
the PlayStation Cloud as well to save your game saves online. If only I
had this when the PlayStation Network went down during the Heavy Rain
release or when by fat boy PS3 died. The online storage is 1GB for
PlayStation 3 and 1GB for the PS Vita. It's definitely a great service.

Another interesting feature is the ability
to automatic update your PS3 and PS Vita via the subscription service
which ensures that not only your games but your systems are always up to
date. As a PlayStation Plus member, users will also experience the
ability to trial full games for a limited time before you buy them and
access to exclusive demos plus beta trials. Some of the exclusives
include a plethora of PlayStation Plus only Avatars, Themes and Games.
In terms of discounts, there's some great
savings such as Air Conflicts: Pacific Carriers which comes with a
recommend retail cost of $49.95AUD has been discounted to $39.96AUD or
Dead of Alive Game of the Year Edition knocked down from $12.95AUD to

Final Thoughts?
Impulse Gamer will continue monitoring the
PlayStation Plus service from Sony and even though it is still in its
infancy, Sony have offered users some awesome games and services for
just $69.95AUD per year such as Mass Effect 3, Uncharted Golden Abyss
and Dead or Alive 5. Add in exclusive only content from Avatars, Game
Updates, Demos, Beta Trials and even the ability to trial full games and
PlayStation Plus is definitely the next evolutionary step of modern
Check it out!
To celebrate the PlayStation Plus Service,
Sony are giving Impulse Gamer Readers the chance to win 8 three month
vouchers valued at $19.95.
here for a chance to win!