NBA LIVE 10 PS3 Review - www.impulsegamer.com -
Gameplay |
8.2 |
Graphics |
8.8 |
Sound |
8.5 |
Value |
8.3 |
Distributor: EA
Classification: G
Review Date: October 2009
Reviewer: Howard Bourke |
8.3 |
NBA Live 10
EA Sport's latest basketball game
arrives on the PlayStation 3 with NBA Live 10 that boasts some
tweaked gameplay, the latest NBA statistics and some interesting
online abilities. And thankfully it has moved away from the
negative press that plagued the franchise a couple of years ago.

Although EA have had a fairly smooth run of
their NBA Live series of late, the current instalment tweaks the control
system and incorporates the Dynamic DNA, the system that mirrors
real-world events into your copy of the game and basically makes
the season more official and realistic to the player. However, the most noticeable
difference is the speed of the play which is now faster and
easier to pull off maneuvers with some realistic fluidity.
Gameplay, Gameplay, Gameplay –
With an overhauled gameplay system, NBA LIVE 10 brings the
most fluid basketball experience ever seen in the LIVE
franchise. From an all new player movement system to
improved AI for your teammates, and from a revamped passing
system to the numerous options you have when attacking the
basket, NBA LIVE 10 recreates the speed, intensity and
creativity of basketball to an unparalleled degree
Dynamic DNA—The brain behind
the game is powered by Synergy Sports Technology - the
premier analytics provider using NBA data for over 25 NBA
teams – which evaluates Player DNA that breaks down how a
player scores, Team DNA that rates how the players on the
floor play as a unit and Tendencies that refer to the
percentage a player drives left, right or shoots from each
spot on the floor.
Enhanced User Control—–NBA LIVE
10 gives you control never seen in a basketball videogame.
From breaking down a defender on the perimeter to driving
the basket and choosing to finish strong or with a light
touch, NBA LIVE 10 lets you play ball the way you want to.
Authentic Presentation—–From
hearing the crowd in Toronto boo Vince Carter when he
touches the ball, to seeing LeBron do his trademark chalk
toss, NBA LIVE 10 captures all the excitement and passion of
an NBA game. A player underperforming? Powered by Dynamic
DNA, evolving storylines throughout the season keep the
commentary fresh so that when you hit the final games of the
regular season you’re still hearing something new.
Team Differentiation—From the
Lakers’ triangle offense to Cleveland running their offense
through LeBron, no team in the NBA plays the same way, and
neither will the teams in NBA LIVE 10. With authentic NBA
playbooks powering the AI decisions of the players on your
team, and your opponents, look for players to run the same
sets that they would in real life.
Player Differentiation – From
fast breaks to owning the paint, some players are just
better at some aspects of the game than others. In NBA LIVE
10 players mimic their real life counterparts with an
alarming degree of accuracy. From speedy point guards to
lumbering centers, each individual player will feel uniquely
Throwback Jerseys, Shoes and
more—With throwback, holiday and cultural jerseys, deck your
favorite team in some nostalgia. With over 500 shoes in the
game that update throughout the course of the season and
authentic tattoos on 75 of the top players in the league,
NBA LIVE 10 is as real as videogame basketball gets.
Even though the game borders on arcade
and simulation, the ball physics of NBA Live 10 is quite
realistic at times and seeing the real-world players in virtual
form allows a stronger link for the gamer, provided you are a fan
of NBA. Needless to say, it's quite an impressive sight on the
The control system on the PS3 is rather intuitive,
mirroring a plethora of basketball maneuvers from offence to
defensive play. This current game gives the player more control
over their players that makes for some interesting strategies
and the instant playbook option assists in this process. In
terms of control, the learning curve is medium and a tutorial
level would have been nice.

In terms of online play, the online
leagues of NBA 10 is very cool as it allows you to in essence to
join your own leagues and offers some great customization
options for the user. Adidas Live Run has replaced "Be a Pro",
giving a much more enriching experience in a five-on-five
competition, each of your friends picking one star to play. It
would have been nice to create your own character with your own
face to get some ownership but hopefully NBA Live 11 will
address this.
Graphically, NBA 10 has once again received a facelift and for
us, this is easily the most realistically looking basketball
game that we have seen in years. There are dozens of new player
animations which of course translate to more moves in the
gameplay and gives some decent scope to your basketball tactics and
to really thrash your controller around.

The animation of the players moving
across the court is like watching TV and the stadiums are
perfect with some great cheering from the crowd. The commentary
is fun to listen, however not as enthusiastic as say Fifa 10 but Marv Albert and Steve Kerr do give the game
that extra level of realism, even though at times, they are a
little dull. Finally, the menu system is pure EA, very slick
indeed as is the great soundtrack of the game.
At the end, NBA Live 10 is a decent basketball arcade
simulation that only slightly offers the world of sport sims
something new. This current version is more about online
features, however the increased speed and maneuvers of the
gameplay does take this franchise to the next level. Good stuff!
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