NBA 08 PS3 Review - www.impulsegamer.com -
Gameplay |
9.2 |
Graphics |
9.5 |
Sound |
9.0 |
Value |
9.2 |
Distributor: Sony
Classification: G
Review Date: February 2008
Reviewer: Tony Lomboro |
9.2 |
NBA 08
Basketball returns on the
PlayStation 3 early this year in NBA 08 which boasts an all-new
progression system, customizable characters, improved SIXAXIS
functionality and amazing graphics. Although there were some
complaints over the previous installment of NBA, Sony have
really gotten it right this time that promises NBA 08 to become
one of the most definitive basketball games of 2008. EA Games...
it might be time to move over!

The best part of NBA 08 is that
it's easy to start playing the game from as soon as you pick up
the controller but what really sets the title apart is the
"Free6" controls that apparently makes it easy to perform moves
in the game. The Free6 controls go for both offense and
defensive moves which adds an extra level of difficulty to the
mix, or an ease if you get into mastering these controls. It
should also be noted that the SIXAXIS functionality is not for
everyone but more for the professional gamer and inexperienced
gamers can give this a pass until they are ready.
Aside from the Free6 concept, the controls in NBA 08 are simple
to master and addictively charming. The shot meter which is a
timed meter is perfect to add a little stress to those three
pointers. Jump shooting, hooks, dunks are also simple to connect
with and easy to learn. You can also use a No Look Pass to try
and get by a persistent defender which is helpful most of the
On defence the game is similar,
being easy to learn. Even a novice basketball gamer can winning
most of the matches, stealing balls left and right and setting
up some sic offensive plays. One added bonus to showcasing you
dexterity with the controls is the Showtime feature that boosts
your team up when you perform well on the court. This will boost
energy, speed and give an added skill to your shooting. This
meter is filled mainly by alley ooping, no-look passing and fast
break scores. With the Showtime activated its time to turn up
the heat and start knocking them down the court.

The title also returns the NBA
Replay featuring 34 weeks of the 06-07 NBA season. In the replay
mode you will have to hit shots and recreate the exact
performance from the real game. This is more than tough and
something I couldn’t invest the time into. If you ready for the
challenge, NBA 08 has three difficulty levels for you to shadow
real life within the digital court.
Graphically NBA 08 on the PS3 is a beautiful looking game at
1080p that also supports 60 frames per second. The players are
extremely realistic and move with a humanlike grace and
sometimes its as if you are watching TV. The stadiums are also
quite realistic as is the ball animation that assists in making
this game almost fully complete in terms of next generation

The commentary of NBA 08 features
Kevin Calabro of the Seattle Super Sonics on the play-by-play
action and Mark Jackson from the YES Network for colour
commentary and analysis. The commentary is a little hit and miss
at times but it's quite impressive. There are also a variety of
realistic basketball sounds and some great music to go
hand-in-hand with the graphics and gameplay.
In conclusion, NBA 08 is a decent
basketball game on the PS3, however the SIXAXIS controller
system will still need some time getting use to. Brilliant
graphics, engaging commentary and good old fashioned basketball
fun is what NBA 08 will offer PS3 gamers. Definitely worth
investigating... go out and SLAM DUNK NOW!
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