If you’re not a Naruto fan, then
you’ll probably be scratching your head at this title because
without the anime references, the characters and the story can
be a little confusing in a weird and whacky Japanese way. But
what about the gameplay? With the words Naruto and Ninja, you
pretty much know that this is a fighting game and unlike Tekken,
the fights are quite outrageous and fully over the top... all in
a good way of course. Remember the awesome TV series
called Monkey Magic? Well, that’s what the fights are similar to
and some of those supernatural-esq Kung Fu movies which works
quite well!

With a few different gameplay modes
in Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja: Storm 2, the main mode of
play is the adventure mode which allows to follow the main
characters from the Naruto series. As you
fight your way through the adventure mode, there are some
interesting cutscenes to progress the story and my favourite
aspect of the story is that it’s quite light as opposed to the
more convoluted back history of Tekken.
Fortunately the story
does explain things enough that new comers to the series won’t
be disadvantaged too much. The adventure mode also requires you
to find tokens and every so often, you will have a boss fight
that contains a fun and entertaining cinema as a reward. But you
can't beat the fighting which is quite enjoyable and thankfully
the controls work well.
The control system is mapped well
on the DualShock controller and although a button masher, there
are several techniques required to successfully play this title.
For newbies, the controls are quite simplistic at the start with
blocks, punches and kicks but you also have to use chakra which
is basically your power-up metre which allows you to in turn
create your super manoeuvres. Some of these manoeuvres are
linked with
quick-time events to pull off and you really have to watch what
is going on as some look like a cutscene and is a little
confusing at first.

When it comes to the AI, the
developers have ensured that there is a common ground to the
player as opposed to ridiculously over powered combatants. However as you
progress, so do your opponents and if you want to liven things
up even more, the game does allow for player versus player
battles. These battles can be played either local or online but
just be warned that the online players are generally Naruto
fanatics which generally handed my lunch back to me after
getting beaten time and time again.
Graphically, the title mimics the
anime series perfectly with its "colourful" colour palette, 2D/3D
type animation and great cutscenes. The music is ported straight
from the cartoon as are the sound effects and voice acting. Just
imagine being part of an anime series and this is what Naruto
Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja: Storm 2 feels like. A special mention
should be made of the special effects which look great,
especially on our FULL HD TV.

In conclusion, Naruto Shippuden:
Ultimate Ninja: Storm 2 is a very fun fighting game that
contains some great animation which is clean and sharp. The star
of the game are the over the top characters and flawless
fighting system that gives gamers a break from title such as
Tekken, Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat. Those who have never
seen the series before may be a little disadvantaged because of
their lack of back history but the developers have added enough
story to let you into this universe. If you’re after a truly
outrageous fighter that is fun than Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate
Ninja: Storm 2 is that game!