Naruto returns to the console world
in Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm which successfully transfers the
classic anime series to the PlayStation 3 in this entertaining
fighting game that contains a rather immersive story and
graphics which perfectly compliment the TV series.

For the uninitiated Naruto is
a lively teenage Ninja who possesses the spirit of the great
Nine-Tailed Fox that allows him to master a variety of martial
art maneuvers as his role of Ninja.
Although the title is your
traditional fighting game in terms of the battles you fight,
where Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm is different from its
competitors is the inclusion of a variety of mini-games and the
ability to explore the gaming environment.
Gameplay wise, the title contains two modes that include
Ultimate Mission Mode and Free Battlemode. In the Ultimate
Mission Mode, the gamer must complete a variety of missions that
are accessed from the hub of the game which is part of Hidden
Leaf Village.
In the village, the gaming
environment is quite reminiscent of an arcade game where you
explore the gaming map, running and jumping while accessing
missions through the various characters that you encounter and
also purchasing items.
The missions can be quite complicated at
times as you fight various boss characters or your standard foes
which is classic fighting. The min-games are also entertaining
and revolve around "Ninja" skill from timing to balance.

The control system of the game is
quite impressive and the controls are perfectly mapped on the
PS3 DualShock controller. The fighting maneuvers are sometimes simplistic
which basically uses the circle button for these
combat moves and although it sounds easy, this is the charm of
the game and assists in the fast paced game play.
There are other moves that include
throwing shurikens with the square, double jumps or dash with
the X and powering up with the triangle button. Match that with
L1/R1 to call in reinforcements and L2/R2 used to block and
dodge, the game is actually quite in-depth. Needless to say, you
need to use all the buttons in conjunction to successfully defeat
your enemies and at times is quite strategic.
Graphically, the title is extremely reminiscent of the TV Series
with colourful anime inspired animation that goes hand in hand
with the gameplay. All the characters have been faithfully
recreated and move with a real-world grace and watching the
battles is almost like watching the TV series.
The cutscenes are
quite impressive, although it would have been nice if there were
a few more included. Musically, the title is pumping as are the
sound effects which help draw you into this classic anime

In conclusion, Ultimate Ninja Storm
is a super fast fighting game that can be played by gamers of
all ages, whether novice or professional. The gameplay is quite
sturdy and does offer some interesting multiplayer options.
Whether you're a fan of the series or that of fighting games,
this game will keep you entertained from start to finish,
however if you're a fan of the series... than WOW... this is the