MX vs. ATV Untamed
Rainbow Studio's latest extreme sport
racing title races its way onto the PlayStation 3 that gives gamers a
variety of different racing options, including a plethora of
entertaining mini-games such as "Hockey" and "Tag" to liven things up a
little, all while driving a variety of extreme sport vehicles.

However before tackling the other aspect of
this title, most gamers will first tackle the
career mode in MX vs. ATV Untamed entitled the "X-Cross Tournament"
where there is a series of events and different vehicle types. Although a little repetitive, fans of the previous series
will enjoy this aspect of the title as they attempt to unlock new
vehicles and tracks. In its essence, it's good old fashioned classic
arcade fun!
The other aspects of the title are actually
a little more inspirational such as the free ride event which gives you
access to a variety of new environments and vehicles as you race around
the impressive 3D landscapes. Gamers can also do a variety of
entertaining stunts and players are also awarded medals which is ranked
on difficulty and gives you something to work for.
Add in Endurocross
which is a variation of the Supercross that includes a variety of
obstacles really makes things a little tricky while racing. Each vehicle
also handles differently and this is where the fun really comes into
action with the Monster Trucks.

For those who enjoy multiplayer games, MX
vs. ATV Untamed features some entertaining options for both split-screen
and online play which really makes use of the mini-games in the title.
Mini-games such as hockey (like real hockey) or even the classic "Snake"
game where players must compete against each other to make the longest
line, adds to the replay value of the title. Graffiti makes
an appearance (perhaps from Tony Hawk) where gamers must perform various
tricks with their vehicles in order to beat their opponents score.
Graphically, MX vs. ATV Untamed is a little lackluster and is almost
identical to the XBox 360 version and unfortunately falls short of
Motostorm. The background environments are a little plain and the
vehicles seem to be lacking that high definition detail that many racing
titles on both systems seem to have these days. The animations, however
are quite realistic as you crash and drive through the 3D landscapes. In
relation to crashes, unfortunately this title does not support that
newly supported DualShock on the PlayStation 3 which is a shame.

The soundtrack of the title features your traditional extreme sport
heavy metal sounding soundtrack that matches the genre perfectly and add
in a variety of realistic sound effects and its almost as if you
are at one of these events. Although I must admit that through a 3D
surround system, the sound effects are quite impressive.
In conclusion, MX vs ATV Untamed is an
interesting if not fun extreme sport racing title that Rainbow Studios
have released on the high-end consoles. It would have been nicer if
there was a little more effort put into this title in relation to
graphics and gameplay to an extent as it feels very first generation.
The multiplayer aspect of the title is quite entertaining and is
probably the most redeeming feature of the game. New gamers will enjoy
the title immensely, however those already initiated into these games
may find the title a little lacking at the end of the day. . |