Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition was originally banned in Australian
due to the excessive graphic violence of this fighter. Back then,
Australia didn't have an R18+ rating but now, the game has finally
been released and even though it is slightly dated, it's still one
impressive fighter. Developed by the makers of Injustice Gods Among
Us, players of Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition can easily see where
their inspiration came from. Although not as strong as Injustice,
Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition definitely takes the franchise to the
21st century... they had me at FULL HD GRAPHICS!

The "9th" game in the series, this game is a reimagining of Mortal
Kombat 1 to 3 as the developers link the characters together to tell
an intricate clichéd story. It's basically a tournament held by Raiden to help save Earthrealm. Although clichéd, over the top and sometimes laughable,
there's something refreshing and enjoyable about the Mortal Kombat
series, especially poor old Scorpion. However Mortal Kombat has
never been about the story telling but rather the combat or kombat.
The game also contains all the DLC from the original release of this
game in 2011 with new characters such as Skarlet, Freddy Krueger and
its heart, this game is a pure fighter as you pummel the absolute
daylights out of each character. Thankfully the controls have been
perfectly mapped on the DualShock Controller so whether you're
kicking, punching, grabbing, blocking or performing a special
manoeuvre, everything feels very fluid. The game also contains a
variety of gameplay modes from traditional 1 on 1, including online
to a plethora of new modes, team modes and practice which is ideal
for practicing your fatalities. You could literally play this game
for hours upon hours. It's also great that the developers have
streamlined the fatalities
Mortal Kombat was originally declined classification in Australia
due to the new fatality system of the game, this excessive violence goes beyond any
fighting game that Australians have had the pleasure of playing.
Although the original fatalities in Mortal Kombat were quite comedic
with their over the top violence, The Komplete Edition takes this to
a whole new level thanks to the X-Ray move. The X-Ray move basically
enhances the gore of your fatality so opposed to just seeing the
outside damage, you actually get to see each bone break and each
sinew snap, including internal organs. Other fatalities also look
more realistic and I remember that I had to look away when one
opponent was about to be buzz sawed in half.

The roster of Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition PS3 contains a wealth
of characters that include fan favourites like Johnny Cage, Raiden
and Mileena... I also love how the developers have included a couple of
new characters such as Freddy Krueger who drags people into the
dream world and for PS3 owners, Kratos the God of War who literally
stabs his opponents to death thanks to the Blades of Exile. It
doesn't end there because as the opponent tries to stop the
bleeding, Kratos basically rips them in half... very graphic.
There's also a cool Medusa fatality as well. The
full roster of this game is as follows;
Cyber Sub-Zero
Freddy Krueger
Jax Briggs
Johnny Cage
Kung Lao
Kurtis Stryker
Liu Kang |
Noob Saibot
Quan Chi
Shang Tsung
Sonya Blade
Sub-Zero |
With that said, the game contains both local and online play and adds Co-op arcade
mode, Challenge Tower and King of the Hill to the mix. Playing online is fun
but nothing is more fun than playing this game on a 50" LED with a
friend or friends which allows for some great trash talk. This game
even sees
the return of other fan favourite modes such as Test Your Might,
Test Your Luck and Test Your Strike which is classic button mashing
at its best. Once you have finished the story and tested your skills
online, this game offers so much more to the player like the
incredible 300 level tower which will take gamers hours upon hours to
complete... or maybe never because as you progress, so does the
Graphically, the Komplete Edition is still a very impressive game on
the PlayStation with some exceptional character models, animation
and background environments. All your favourite Mortal Kombat
characters look amazing in FULL HD and when matched with the new
"mature" fatalities, it's definitely a very impressive looking game.
Sound effects work hand in hand with the gameplay to enhance your
experience as does the classic music and corny one-liners from the
characters. I must admit that I loved the backgrounds in this game
from the evil monastery, subway to Shang Tsung's Throne Room...
there's lot of arenas to fight in.

Final Level
This game might be a few years old but
if you're a fan of Mortal Kombat, this game is a must have title for
your PS3 or 360. It's classic fighting at its best with almost
flawless controls, outstanding gameplay and even though it's not a
3D fighter, it still provides plenty of tactics for the gamer to
learn and excel. Brilliant! Oh... and the game is affordably priced
at under $40AUD (May 2013)!