May Payne Local Justice DLC

For those that just cannot get enough of
Max Payne 3 which will more likely receive the Game of the Year Award
from not just Impulse Gamer but several gaming publications, Rockstar
have released their latest DLC for this game. This DLC is the Local
Justice add-on that includes three new multiplayer maps, a new power-up
and even a new weapon which is quite affordably priced.
The new item in this DLC is Light Fingers which allows you scavenge the
dead like a true professional which definitely speeds up the looting
process. Although an entertaining and relatively useful item, you cannot
go past the new M4 Assault Rifle that simply booms in firepower and is
quite the valued weapon in this DLC. Local Justice also adds a new
faction into the gangs with the São Paolo Police that of course adds new
looks to your characters.

The maps in question include the Imperial
Palace, Departure Lounge and the 55th Battalion HQ which definitely ups
the ante of the multiplayer experience of this game. Our favourite map
was the Departure Lounge which not only gives you a rather large area to
play but there are plenty of places to lay ambushes or nooks and
crannies to hide.
Closely following the
Departure Lounge is our next favourite, the Imperial Palace that has
this real gangster feel to it thanks to the seedy atmosphere of the
Hotel. Unlike the aforementioned map, this environment is more enclosed
and is definitely the most challenging multiplayer map with deaths and
fire fights galore.

Finally we have the 55th Battalion HQ map
which perfectly suits itself for classic death match fun with an almost
Alien-like atmosphere to it that is even more enclosed than the Imperial
Palace. Running down the wrong corridor can seriously get you killed on
this map and more importantly, this map also supports Gang Wars which
creates a true hectic experience. Interestingly enough, 55th Battalion
HQ is the only map that supports Gang Wars in this release.
Final Level
If you're a fan of online play for Max
Payne 3, Rockstar have once again done it again by making these levels
even better to play, especially with the new items to keep things fresh.
Recommended to all lovers of Max! |