There have been quite a few sequels of late and Mafia II by
2K Czech is the latest game to cash in on the relatively
successfully original, not that this is a bad thing mind you. The
game itself is a cross between Grand Theft Auto meets The
Godfather but unlike the EA games, Mafia II is far superior,
even though it lacks the true sandbox experience of GTA. The
protagonist behind Mafia II is Vito Scaletta, a man who wants it all
and will stop at nothing to get it. From money to women and power,
Vito has balls to grab what he wants but unlike the over the top
characters from GTA, Mafia II has quite a realistic cast that in
unison with the story, makes for a compelling experience that
parallels The Godfather series and other gangster movies from

Now that we have your attention! Mafia
II has Playboy Bunnies... unfortunately it's bunnies from the 50's and
60's though, not like Sheridan!
To read our exclusive interview with Sheridyn
Fisher, click here
The story starts in 1945 where you take control of Vita Scaletta and
together with his best-friend Joe, they begin to get involved in the
criminal underworld. Just be warned that there is quite a large
amount of adult content in Mafia II and if you are disturbed by
gratuitous violence which is quite realistic at times, you may want
to get your gaming goodness from somewhere else. It should also be
mentioned that Mafia II also contains a plethora of Playboy
magazines from the time which are littered throughout the gaming
environment for you to find and even peruse which contains nudity.
Yes my friends, this game is not for the kids!

However... back to the story. As Vito and his friend Joe climb that
the ladder of the Mafia ranks, they must embark on a variety of
objectives from bruising people up to selling contraband and
ultimately cold blooded murder. It's all in a day's work for these
two sophisticated Italian thugs. As the money and women roll in for
these two partners in crime, Vito soon realises that he may have
bitten off more than he can chew and in the end, you cannot leave
“the family” which is beautifully setup in the end. The story is
quite emotional at times and is quite intense which is almost makes
it feel like you are watching a well scripted movie that only makes
the game even more compelling. In terms of story progression,
cutscenes are used to assist in this process and are quite slick to

its core, Mafia II is a third person action game that allows you to
explore a relatively large city as you need to succeed in a set
number of objectives. This is where the links to Grand Theft Auto
end because the story is definitely the backbone behind the game and
even though you can go off the beating track, it does lack that
illusion of freedom which the GTA series captured perfectly, not
that this is a bad thing. As you drive around Empire City, the fake
American city where Mafia II is set, you really appreciate the small
touches in the game such as the propaganda of the United States
towards World War II to the authentic clothes, vehicles and locales
of the time. As the game progresses, you soon move into the 50’s and
everything changes in the city as well which is thoroughly quite
impressive to watch. One annoyance in terms with the missions are
the checkpoints that can be quite frustrating, especially the ones
that are far and few.

The missions are quite fun in Mafia II, especially the ones that
begin slowly and end with a bang, much like The Godfather movies.
Personally, I wish there was more side quests in the game which
would have given the game that real illusion of freedom like GTA. Of
course, one incentive to explore is to find all the Playboy
magazines and if you remember reading one of our old news articles,
Playboy became an official sponsor to this game by allowing the
developers to use their ever so gorgeous centrefolds. Other
distractions in the game involve selling cars, buying new weapons
and clothes to help freshen things up, including Vito himself. In
terms of cars, Vito can store around 10 cars in his garage which is
kind of cool and gives you some great choices for the particular
missions or if you just want to cruise around town.

The combat engine works well in the title with the player having the
option of either melee (hand to hand combat) or guns. Hand to hand
fighting is fun because your character can pull a few different
moves as opposed to just punch and block. Weapons on the other hand
range from guns to Tommy guns and some other surprises that we won't
mention here. Needless to say, the controls have been well mapped on
the DualShock controller and the cover system works well with the
gun fights. It should also be mentioned that the police are not as
proactive as GTA but if you so get into the sights of the police,
they will attempt to stop you through force (e.g. cars, guns or
roadblocks). Nothing is more entertaining than outracing the police
in these relatively slow cars and then changing your clothes in
order to evade them. Of course, this does not work on all occasions
but some can take bribes!

Graphically, Mafia II is eye candy on the PlayStation 3 from
realistic characters, authentic clothing and great real-world
physics. The cars looks good and handle quite well as you drive
around Empire City as opposed to the sluggish cars from the original
which seemed to float. Add in a variety of special effects from
weather to explosions and some great lighting effects and this is
one well made game. I also like the destroyable environment that is
littered throughout the game from glass to boxes that creates this
Hollywood style action movie. The music suits the period well and
even features artists of the era to help immerse you into this
realistic game plus some decent orchestral sound tunes that I'm sure
Nino Rota (Godfather) would appreciate. The star of the audio
department however, is the voice acting which is quite professional
and really helps create an interesting and addictive story as you
always want to keep playing to see what happens to these realistic

conclusion, Mafia II transcends the original game and what was a
rather 2D experience in the original has now been turned into a
fully interactive, almost 3D experience. Vito is a charmer and is
perfectly created for the game that makes you want to finish the
game in order to see how the story finishes. It should take most
gamers a good 12 - 15 hours to successfully complete and if they put
in some more freedom, this game could almost have become the GTA
killer. Nonetheless, it's a well made title that is oozing with
enjoyment but in terms of replay value, it's just a one play game.