LEGO Batman
Holy LEGO Batman! That’s probably the best
way to sum up the latest blockbuster epic to arrive on the PlayStation 3
which stars one of the world’s most favourite superheroes, Batman the
Caped Crusader. Continuing from the popular LEGO game franchise that
included the amazing LEGO Star Wars and the considerable weaker LEGO
Indiana Jones, just where does LEGO Batman sit in the grand scheme of

Fortunately for lovers of this genre or for lovers of superhero
games, LEGO Batman sits squarely on level with LEGO Star Wars, maybe
even a touch higher due to the amount of Batman content available in the
game. With almost 70 years of Batman history, the game successfully
brings forth the best elements from this mythology and incorporate a
healthy dose of adventure, excitement and best of all humour. Seeing Clayface trip over Batman is priceless
or Batman give a catlike Catwoman a bowl of milk is magic moments in
immediately know that you are in for a treat early in the game as
Batman’s Rogue Gallery (his major villains) have escaped from Arkham
Asylum and it’s up to Batman and his partner Robin to re-capture his
foes. Easy said than done and fortunately the gamer has access to a
variety of Batman gadgets to assist in the process.
After playing the
game for a considerable amount of time, this current game is clearly
reminiscent of the Batman Animated Series and match that with the
orchestral music of Danny Elfman from the original Batman movies
starring Michael Keaton and you are definitely in for a wonderful treat.
Best of all, gamers of all ages can have a go at this game as he puzzles
can be set to adaptive learning, ensuring more experienced gamers will
also have a challenge.
Although the gameplay is similar to LEGO Star Wars or Indiana Jones,
it’s the characters that make this game so entertaining and the plethora
of Batman references. The essence of the gameplay is to control your
LEGO Batman and Robin and interact with the gaming environment to
capture these rogue villains. You can also create LEGO items as you
solve a plethora of puzzles and challenge dangerous (well… not really
because if you get killed, your LEGO falls apart and you magically
reappear) villains such as Mr. Freeze, Catwoman and the Joker. The
combat is quite simply but still satisfying as you punch your way
through a plethora of henchman and eventually incapacitate the villains
you capture.

In relation to dying, you do lose the coins that you have
collected through the level but you generally reappear in the same spot.
If you are playing as a single-person, you need to swap between Batman
and Robin in order to successfully solve the puzzles, however as a
two-player game, it’s equally as satisfying as you both throw Batarangs and
change costumes in order to proceed through the levels. There are
various costumes littered through the gaming environment that allows the
player to change what their character is wearing, for example, Robin can
change into a Robin costume that allows him to scale metal walls, thanks
to his magnetic boots.
Although you could control vehicles in the
previous LEGO games, nothing is more satisfying than using Batman
vehicles as you race along land, sea and the air. The Batboat was the
trickiest vehicle to control. The game makes
good use to cutscenes to progress the story and although there are 15
missions available to play as Batman and Robin, gamers can also complete
15 other missions as the villains. Interestingly enough, the villains
missions were actually a tad more interesting than the heroes but that’s
probably my dark side taking over. Crashing through police barricades or
controlling giant robots is what villains are all about.
As you are not
limited to just two or three villains, playing as a villain allows you
to control a variety of characters, each with different and entertaining
abilities. Once you have finished the Story mode of the game, you can
then play the Free Play mode which allows you to toggle between multiple
characters and access areas not available to you in the single-player
mode and does allow you find other clues that you may have missed the
first time.
In terms of gameplay, the biggest frustration is being
stuck on a level as the game really doesn’t give you too many clues as
to what to do next. You generally need to explore and
around the gaming environment to attempt to work out the next clue. My
second boss battle with Mr. Freeze took me a little while to figure it
out as I was attempting to throw batarangs at the switches, however in
turn, you needed to defeat Mr. Freeze but each time you tried, he would
freeze you and smash you to a dozen pieces. That changes your
reasoning, thinking that there are other things to do.

Graphically, LEGO Batman looks amazing in high definition graphics with
vibrant colours and extremely sharp graphics. Match that with a real
authentic Gotham City feel and it’s almost as if you are visiting this
fictional city. The characters move with a LEGO like grace and it’s
almost like watching a LEGO movie, needless to say, it’s a thoroughly
entertaining experience. The only downside with the graphics is that
sometimes the camera angles do not move and you cannot see what is
happening but fortunately this only happens every now and then.
Musically, the score of Danny Elfman makes this quite an engaging game
and is probably the most memorable Batman music, hence the use in the
game. Although none of the characters talk, apart from “Mr. Bean” type
talk, they all mumble which adds to the enjoyment and humour of the
title. At the end of the day, the sound effects go hand in hand with the
gameplay and graphics.
conclusion, LEGO Batman is a thoroughly enjoyable game that could be
played by gamers of all ages and it’s definitely an improvement over
LEGO Indiana Jones. This is one for lovers of the LEGO games or for
those who want to see a good superhero game. Good game mechanics, great
graphics and best of all, it's oozing with Batman references. |