Our favourite protagonist "hero" or
"villain" Cole MacGrath, returns in the highly anticipated sequel with
inFamous 2 finally hitting our shelves. This open-world third person
action-fighter once again allows players to control Cole and the like
the first game, morality is a key component of how the story will play
it and will shape you in either becoming a hero or a villain. Continuing
from the first game, Cole has
moved from his home town of Empire City to New Marais and unfortunately
for the citizens of Empire City, it has been destroyed by the creature
known as "The Beast".
In order to stop the "The Beast", Cole must find
Dr. Sebastian Wolfe who has the knowledge of ending this threat but
unfortunately for our hero/villain, a politician called Joseph Bertrand
III has New Marais under martial law. To complicate things even more for
Cole, mutants are now attacking the city and the militia are once again
a thorn in his side. Fortunately Cole has some assistance that include
bed bud Zeke, special agent Lucy Kuo of the NSA (good alignment) and the nefarious Nix
(evil alignment). Your friends and allies will play a key role in
defining your character.

As you explore this giant open-ended world, there are several
missions that you must embark and these are generally given under the
guidance of Zeke, Kuo or Nix who help move the story along. However just like the
original game, karma plays an integral part in the story
and your decisions will ultimately effect your direction of hero versus
Your choice of morality also effects your superpowers which is
a little reminiscent of the force powers from Star Wars. It's definitely
a fun take and a challenge to remain stuck to your intended morality.
Karma can be collected in a variety of different ways in inFamous 2. For
example, if you're a hero, you might be healing citizens or protecting
them from evil, whereas if you're a villain, you might be causing mayhem
or murder. This makes for some really fun gameplay as you hold their
lives (quite literally) in the palm of your hands.

Apart from the main missions, there are plenty of side missions to
engage in and just like Grand Theft Auto or L.A. Noire, these are
optional. These side missions do offer some diversity to the game and
help spice things up from the main storylines. Combat also plays a key element to inFamous 2
which is where the game kicks into gear.
Initially combat is a little lacklustre and your enemies do give you a
challenge but as you progress, your superpowers increase considerably
and this is where you really become a badass and your enjoyment factory
Nothing is more enjoyable than using
your powers such as your electrical based powers where you can fry your
enemies or shooting a tornado through the streets of New Marais.
As opposed to your standard powers, Cole has access to ionic powers which
define your character even more, much like Superman's strength based or
flight powers. One such impressive iconic power is "storm" which
basically calls down the heavens upon your enemies. It's sweet!

The control system of inFamous 2 is almost identical to the previous
game which is good. The interface has been well mapped on the DualShock
controller and interacting with the world is quite easy, especially
using your superpowers. Sometimes the controls do hamper the combat
a little as your valiantly trying to point your analog stick in the
right direction but once you have figured out the nuisances, you'll be
flying high. It's really fun exploring the city with your super powers
as you jump across buildings or glide along electrical wires.
Attacks included both ranged and melee attacks and thankfully now Cole
has this advanced police stick that allows him to beat the absolute crap
out of his enemies.
Besides your stock standard mutants and soldiers,
Cole must also face a few boss battles along the way that can be quite challenging at
times. Some of the bosses are gigantic and you must use all your skills
and superpowers to take them out. One frustrating aspect of inFamous 2
is the damage system and when you get hit, the screen turns black and
white. When you're getting your superhero hide handed to you, this
sometimes does become tricky, especially when you're trying to flee an
enemy for a respite. In terms of completion, the game should take most
gamers around 25 or so hours to complete, give or take. Add in another
play with another alignment and there is some value to money to this
The developers of inFamous 2, Sucker Punch have also allowed players of
the game to create their own missions via a mission editor and these can
be quite in-depth at times. There is quite a bit of customisation
available from creating missions revolving around urban warfare to even
racing missions. However with that said, these are probably a little too
complicated for the average gamer but if you have the time, it's
definitely a good past time to engage in. Add in a plethora of
unlockables and character customisation of Cole and inFamous 2 will
definitely have you glued to your PS3 for quite some time. I'm glad that
the sequel is finally out because I really needed some fun mindless
entertainment and inFamous 2 delivered on this.

Graphically, inFamous 2 definitely has some "wow" moments. The level
design is superb and showcases the town well from its Red Light district
to business areas, everything comes together rather well. The highlights
are the detailed character designs and more specifically the superpowers
of Cole which is pure eye candy and really jump out at you when you use
them. The unfortunate aspect of the graphics is that every now and then,
the camera goes a little askew.
Voice acting is quite professional,
although Cole still sounds like he has been smoking and drinking too
much but apart from this, everything is quite good. Sound effects work
well in conjunction with the game and the soundtrack suits the story
perfectly which changes to suit the pacing of the story. Nonetheless,
the title has been improved both in the graphic and audio department
since the first game.

In conclusion, inFamous 2 is a worthy successor to the original game and
although its fundamental nature is a rebadged gaming engine, there are several
memorable moments in the game and for me, the story was much more down
to Earth and relatable as opposed to the fast pacing of the original.
Even though the combat does become a little repetitive at times, the
developers have included enough twists and turns to entice you to
complete the game and then you have the mission editor that allows you
to either create your own missions or download them from other players.
This is not a traditional superhero game, it's far more
enjoyable than the current superhero game as the world of Cole is much
interesting! Check it out! |