Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory
Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory is a comedic
and almost teenage-like anime RPG with a touch of T&A for the PlayStation 3 that unfortunately
suffers from dated graphics and gameplay. With the PlayStation 4 just
around the corner, it's a shame that more developers are not pushing the
capabilities of the PS3, opposed to resting on their laurels. At its
gaming heart, Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory is a Japanese RPG which employs
turn based tactics which revolve around protagonist Neptune who really
couldn't give a toss about the world around her and plays the
stereotypical teenager well. Funny enough, the developers even make
reference to certain anime stereotypes of female body parts.
The story of Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory is set in the fictional
world Gamindustri that is divided into four nations. This is where the
killer part of the story comes into play as each of these nations
represents a hardware company and mirrors four real-world companies.
These nations include Lowee (Nintendo), Lastation (Sony), Leanbox
(Microsoft) and Planeptune (SEGA). The game takes place in the late 80's and
early 90's with the fierce competition between these companies and with
a group of villains called the Seven Sages interfering in this timeline,
it's up to Neptune and friends to save this alternate world.
What I enjoyed about the story was how it
parallels the rivalry between these hardware developers and provides
links to key moments of gaming history and although these are
classic moments of humour in the story, the player is
unfortunately inundated in almost never ending dialogue boxes of text
and text. The never ending text got annoying real fast.

Joining Neptune is a cast of equally annoying characters (up to 8)
who must travel from point A to B in order to complete a variety of
quests. By visiting guild halls, the player is given their next quest
which unfortunately requires you to engage in old school questing that
would not look out of place in an early Zelda game that is heavily based
on grinding.
With that said, the combat of Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory takes place in
dungeons which once again harkens back to old school RPG titles. Another interesting
element of the game is customising your equipment which through the
introduction of game discs allows players to tweak their statistics.
It's actually fun trying to find these "blank" discs and then modifying

Of course in all this doom and gloom,
Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory
does have one redeeming point and that actually is the combat. Even
though it is slightly dated, it actually feels quite fun with its
strategic turn based elements as characters can move within their area to attempt
to get the edge on their enemies. From standard attacks to combos and
special skills, your characters have a wide range of attacks that helps
keeps things fresh.
The attacks are also well mapped on the DualShock
Controller for smooth combat. One issue with the combat is that if you
don't engage in enough grinding and "level-ups", you will find the game
quite difficult as you progress, especially with the boss battles due to
the excessive number of hit points they have and that blasted
regeneration. It's all about grind grind grind! I did however like the
score the game gives you after completing a quest which is classic

Graphically, Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory is a rather bland looking
game on the PS3 which features dated graphics and cutscenes. The
dungeons where you explore are quite repetitive with limited colours and
textures. Another issue is
with the frame-rate that does become a little choppy in certain places and
unfortunately is quite noticeable. The musical score is classic
J-RPG and the voice acting, although clichéd actually compliments the
game well. The star of the voice acting is Neptune who is not only funny but
says some really bizarre things.

Final Thoughts?
Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory does have its issues but if you can move
pass the graphics and sometimes dated gameplay, there is actually some
gaming gold to be found. In terms of completion, we completed this title is
just over 40 hours which is huge and definitely
gives you value for money, especially if you like Japanese RPG. The highlight
of the game is the bizarre storyline that not only mimics the real-world
gaming industry but patronises it at the same time to create some truly
hilarious moments.
Key features
• Dynamic Combat: Freely move units in battle to tackle
foes! Set up your own combos, fill up the EXE Drive gauge, and then deal
“massive damage” with your finishing attacks!
• Scout System: Send out Scouts to explore and gather
information on dungeons! Level them up so they can find things you may
have missed on your adventure!
• Flag System: Break or repair “flag” triggers in
dungeons to activate different events when your Scouts return from
exploring! This can change enemy spawns or reveal new items!
• Create Game Discs: Obtain blank discs and burn
different types of data onto them to access new abilities! With the
right combinations, you may even make a Godly Game! It’s your chance to
craft your own AAA title for Neptune and her friends to equip! |