GoldenEye 007: Reloaded
Although I started off as a PC gamer, I'm now a console convert. However
even when GoldenEye 007 was released on the Nintendo 64 so many years
ago, I actually thought this game was a pretty average first person
shooter, especially considering what was available on the PC at that

However many gamers around the world, hold GoldenEye 007 in high
esteem and the only thing that really impressed me about this game was
the ability to play with up to four players simultaneously via
split screen. You needed a PC network to do this on the PC. It did have
some merits but first person shooters on a console... "ppht"... I
thought to myself.
So my editor asks if I'm interested in GoldenEye 007: Reloaded for the
Playstation 3? How could I decline, I was looking forward to bagging one
of the world's most beloved first person shooters. Unfortunately for me,
with its 21st century visual and updated gaming mechanics, I actually
had a difficult time in finding something really bad with this game. I
soon found that this game was not an ageing dinosaur ported to the
PlayStation 3 but rather it contained a sturdy gaming engine, great
mechanics and pure James Bond action that blew me away. This was no the
N64 game!
In regards to the graphics and audio, the gaming environments
are well designed as are the characters that resemble their real-life
Bond counterparts, although the graphics are slightly dated and a little
bland at times. Add in some good lighting effects and textures plus
that famous Bond musical score and this game goes beyond its

In essence, the game is a reimagining of the original N64 which once
again transforms gamers into the world's most legendary fictional spy,
James Bond. Unlike most first person shooters, GoldenEye 007: Reloaded
requires the player to use stealth as opposed to running in with guns
blazing. When you do accidentally mess up a stealth moment, it
definitely gets your adrenaline pumping as alarms go off and the enemy
are alerted to your presence.
Even though you do have a variety type of
guns at your disposal, you also have a few spy tricks up your sleeves
and gadgets such as hacking tools to help with the illusion of
transforming you into 007. Your gadgets play a key part to many of the
puzzles in the game and also prevent the entire complex from knowing
your whereabouts.
Although the story is loosely based on the Pierce Brosnan bond film,
GoldenEye 007, the game does something strange. Firstly, it removes
Brosnan as the leading man and replaces him with Daniel Craig. One can
see from a marketing perspective why this move would probably sell more
titles, even though Brosnan kicked butt as bond. Second, there are
other "Bond" moments integrated into the story as well which makes for
some exciting missions and cutscenes. It's just a shame that Pierce Brosnan's image was replaced with Daniel Craig.
In terms of completing Reloaded on the PS3, most gamers should easily be
able to knock over this game in around 8 to 12 hours, depending on how
engaged you get with the title. The innovative level design and changing
pace of the game ensures that you'll have a blast of a time from start
to finish. Add vehicles in classic Bond fashion and even a few
quick-time events and Reloaded ensures that the gamer is not just
satisfied in terms of entertainment but also gives you a decent
Even when you have completed the single-player campaign, you can
definitely play it again as the title gives you a myriad of ways to
complete each level. For hardcore first person shooter gamers playing on
the highest difficulty level, the developers have regenerating health removed from the
gameplay which makes this a true challenge to complete.
But just like the movies, GoldenEye 007: Reloaded combat is an important
aspect to the gameplay and whether you're using a sniper rifle from
long-distance, your silencer to take guards or just sneaking up behind
your enemies to take them out, the game really offers the player a
variety of choices in how you will use your license to kill. Depending
on your prowess as a gamer and what level of difficulty you are tackling
this game, the AI in Reloaded can sometimes be quite challenging,
especially the occasional boss battle.

One interesting aspect about the
PS3 version of the game is that you can also use the move controllers to
interact with the gaming environment which definitely makes it a more
surreal experience. Using the Move controller like a gun and with the
James Bond themed music playing in the background is a real blast,
however for those with just the DualShock controller, this is also an
option that works just as well. Needless to say, whichever method you
use, Reloaded boasts a very sturdy control system that will not hamper
your gaming experience.
It should be noted that time trials have been removed from the PS3 version only to be replaced
with the MI6 Ops mode which is a collection of single-player challenges
and is almost like a training mode. The MI6 Ops mode requires you to
complete a set number of challenges and the game rewards you on how well
you achieved these objectives. It does remind me of the single-player
challenges from some of Metal Gear Solid games and definitely increases
the longevity of this title.
The game even contains a healthy multiplayer experience with up to 15
players as wannabe secret agents take their skills online. With a variety
of traditional first person shooter modes, the fun thing about online is
the plethora of maps available and many of these have been taken from
classic Bond films. In relation to classic Bond films, some of the
characters that you have access to include iconic Bond characters like
Oddjob or Jaws!
Bond is still the man but playing as
the villains is really cool and
amazingly enough, you can still play the game via local multiplayer
which supports up to four players. Like the original N64 game, this mode
can be tweaked to your hearts content and is definitely fun if you have
your mates around, although I would of liked to have seen a few AI
character introduced.
Final Level
In the end, Goldeneye 007: Reloaded mirrors some of the best aspects of
the N64 game and re-imagines them for the PlayStation 3 from its sturdy
gaming engine to Bond-esq graphics. Thankfully the control system works
well on both the Move and DualShock controller and no matter what your
preference is, you won't be impeded by your choice. Best of all,
Goldeneye 007: Reloaded feels like a James Bond game should and from the
very first moments in this game, you'll feel like the world's greatest spy as
you take your license to kill and literally get the job done how you
want you. Recommended!