Although fans of the Ghostbusters
movies were never treated to a third film, gamers can now play the
official follow-up of the second movie which begins in 1991 and reunites
the original actors to voice these characters.
Best of all, the game is written by Dan
Aykroyd and Harold Ramis, ensuring some great film
consistency and needless to say, the game has successfully made the jump
from the movies to the wonderful world of gaming entertainment.
So where exactly does the gamer fit into
the Ghostbusters mythology? The answer is a “nameless” recruit who is
tutored by the original three Ghostbusters and yes, the equipment and
weapons of the film are also at your disposal.
Although set after Ghostbusters 2, two
years to be precise, not much as changed in New York. The Ghostbusters
are still “busting” ghosts for the Mayor and unfortunately for them, the
villain from the original movie, Gozer is once again about to cause all
sorts of grief for not only the denizens of New York but the
Ghostbusters as well. In relation to the story, the game uses
pre-rendered and in-game cutscenes to progress the story and give you
that authentic Ghostbusters experience. Just check out old stay puff

The gameplay of Ghostbusters is reminiscent
of those third person shooter games, however unlike traditional guns,
your player has access to a plethora of Ghostbusters gadgetry which
means you have to shoot ghosts with your proton packs and attempt to
drag them into your ghost traps. The object of the game is simple,
explore areas, shoot ghosts to weaken them but don't cross your proton
beams and catch them. Interestingly enough even though the gameplay is
quite simplistic, it's actually quite entertaining and more so if you're
a fan. In terms of crossing proton beams, not much actually happened to
me. The fun bit begins when you've caught the cost and like a slippery
fish, you need to coax it into the trap... frustrating but true to the
movie and kind of fun. You also need to use special Ghostbusters goggles
that allows you to track ghosts and this part was probably the biggest
let down of the game as the graphics were horrendous.
The control system is perfectly mapped on
the PS3 controller with a healthy dose of DualShock to assist in the
experience. Thankfully, the developers have added a variety of new
“prototype” Ghostbusters gadgetry and as you progress, so does the
access to your weapons and items.
Some levels of the game require you to
assist your Ghostbusters buddies, however there are other levels which
requires a solo experience. Interestingly enough, the AI actually works
quite well in the game. The squad based mechanics come into play when a
Ghostbuster is fallen in battle and another member will need to revive
them. This aspect does become a little frustrating on harder difficulty
levels in the game and when you are fighting boss battles like our
friend, the Stay Puff Marshmallow Man. Even so, it works quite well.
What about multiplayer? Although the game contains some great fun
multiplayer modes, the title itself does not support co-operative play
which is a shame as this would have been one hell of a ride.
Generally, the multiplayer levels require
you to defeat an unending supply of ghosts such as the “Survival” mode.
Although the multiplayer aspect of Ghostbusters is “cute”, the real
essence of the game is the single-player mode that has the story,
meaning and entertainment.
The key to gamers in multiplayer is that
you are awarded “money” which can be used to purchase new uniforms and
ranks etc. Even so, the multiplayer modes provide an entertaining break
as you attempt to better or work with other Ghostbusters from around the

The stars of the game are the actors who
carefully lend their voices to the characters they played over 20-years
ago with Dan Aykroyd (Dr. Raymond Stantz), Harold Ramis (Dr. Egon
Spengler), Bill Murray (Dr. Peter Venkman) and Ernie Hudson (Winston
Zeddemore) all reprising their roles, including a few other surprises.
Thankfully the graphic department have successfully managed to capture
the likeness of these actors so when you see Aykroyd as Raymond, you
actually see the actor.
The worst aspect of the voice acting is
Bill Murray who seems like he was dragged to the studio to record
his voice, he is funny but doesn’t seem to get into his character like
the other guys which is a shame. Even so, the game is oozing with
Ghostbusters goodness, whether it’s the soundtrack from the original
films, the Ghostbusters song by Ray Parker Jnr. or the great sound
effects, it’s easily one of the best sounding games out there and yes it
does support surround sound.
The dialogue in the game is quite witty and
there are some great comedic moments but best of all, the banter is
throughout the game and is not forced or clichéd but rather suits this
story perfectly.

Graphically, the title looks visually quite
impressive the majority of the time on the PS3, although some
environments look a little Spartan, such as the indoors of buildings.
The characters look brilliant and are quite
reminiscent of their real-world counterparts with some great attention
to detail. Even the villains and ghosts from the movie have been
successfully recreated and yes Slimer does show his ugly green head.
It’s great how the developers have allowed
the gamers to revisit certain parts of the original movies in the game
which only adds to the entertainment and graphical experience of

Final words? Ghostbusters is a good game
and although it may not win any accolades for thinking outside the
square, the developers have created a sturdy gaming engine that
perfectly recreates the world of Ghostbusters.
The gameplay is a little basic at first,
however as you play, you have access to more items and weapons, only
adding to your gaming experience. The biggest gripe that we had was that
the game was that it was a little too short and you can easily knock
this over in 10 hours or less and at times, the gameplay does become
repetitive. However when it comes to movie based games, Ghostbusters
helps break the curse and creates a fun gaming experience. |