original Fallout game is definitely in the top 50 of all great video
games which was developed by Interplay as an isometric adventure
game set in post apocalyptic America which was ravaged by nuclear
war. The best way to describe the original engine of Fallout was
that it was similar to Diablo, however science fiction based.

• Limitless Freedom! – Take in the sights
and sounds of the vast Capital Wasteland! See the great monuments of
the United States lying in post-apocalyptic ruin! You make the
choices that define you and change the world. Just keep an eye on
your Rad Meter!
• Experience S.P.E.C.I.A.L.! – Vault-Tec® engineers
bring you the latest in human ability simulation – the SPECIAL
Character System! Utilizing new breakthroughs in points-based
ability representation, SPECIAL affords unlimited customization of
your character. Also included are dozens of unique skills and perks
to choose from, each with a dazzling variety of effects!
• Fantastic New Views! – The wizards at Vault-Tec®
have done it again! No longer constrained to just one view,
experience the world from 1st or 3rd person perspective. Customize
your view with the touch of a button!
• The Power of Choice! – Feeling like a dastardly
villain today, or a Good Samaritan? Pick a side or walk the line, as
every situation can be dealt with in many different ways. Talk out
your problems in a civilized fashion, or just flash your Plasma
• Blast ‘Em Away With V.A.T.S.! –Even the odds in
combat with the Vault-Tec® Assisted Targeting System for your
Pip-Boy Model 3000! V.A.T.S. allows you to pause time in combat,
target specific body parts on your target, queue up attacks, and let
Vault-Tec take out your aggression for you. Rain death and
destruction in an all-new cinematic presentation featuring gory
dismemberments and spectacular explosions.
• Mind-Blowing Artificial Intelligence! – At
Vault-Tec®, we realize that the key to reviving civilization after a
global nuclear war is people. Our best minds pooled their efforts to
produce an advanced version of Radiant AI, America’s First Choice in
Human Interaction Simulation™. Facial expressions, gestures, unique
dialog, and lifelike behavior are brought together with stunning
results by the latest in Vault-Tec® technology.
• Eye-Popping Prettiness!* – Witness the harsh
realities of nuclear fallout rendered like never before in modern
super-deluxe HD graphics. From the barren Wasteland, to the
danger-filled offices and metro tunnels of DC, to the hideous rotten
flesh of a mutant’s face.
*Protective Eyewear Encouraged.
Although it has been 10 years since Fallout 2, Bethesda have given
the series a true 21st century face lift that now
supports a fully interactive 3D environment which is based on the
Oblivion engine.
to Fable II, Fallout 3 begins with your characters birth where you
create how your character appears in the world of Fallout when he or
she reaches maturity. The gamer then experiences certain points in
your characters childhood such as when they were a toddler or when
they were 10 years of age. Eventually on your 16th
birthday, your character takes his Generalised Occupational Aptitude
Test (G.O.A.T) which will determine your “character class” in the
world of Fallout and then three years later, the true game of
Fallout 3 begins.
should also be known that Fallout 3 is set in the year of 2277, 30
years after the previous game and 200 years after the devastating
nuclear war.
As the world has been decimated by
nuclear radiation, you have been living in Vault 101 and know
nothing about the outside world, however you soon learn that your
father has escaped and you need to discover why.
in your father’s footsteps, you eventually escape your bonds to
discover that Earth is now a desolated waste land, thanks to the
nuclear war as strange creatures, mutants and men now roam the
Equipped with your retro yet futuristic devices plus a variety of
weapons, it’s time to explore this amazing gaming environment as you
attempt to uncover the whereabouts of your father and the mystery
that is now Earth. The most important item in the game is your
PIP-Boy 3000 which gives you access to information, maps, your
weapons, equipment and other nifty features.
world of Fallout 3 is gigantic as was Oblivion but you can virtually
walk for hours upon hours as you explore this in-depth gaming
environment. Bethesda have truly created a real post apocalyptic
universe that does pay homage to the original game... flawlessly.
character can also lead a path between good or evil which is Fallout
3’s Karma system and effects how you interact with certain
characters in the game. Needless to say, Fallout 3 can be completed
with both paths and adds to the freedom of the title which offers a
good sandbox experience to the gamer.

sets Fallout 3 apart from Oblivion is the VATS gaming technology
which stands for Vault Tec Assisted Targeting System which means you
can pause the game and target certain parts of your enemies which
thoroughly entertaining.
body part has a health bar and percentage of how accurate your shot
will be, however environmental factors are also taken into
consideration. I must admit that VATS really sets the game apart
from your stock standard third person shooters which you can still
do but it adds to the enjoyment of the game. Your character also has
special abilities which allows you to customise and upgrade your
characters powers which is similar to the Sword and Sorcery genre.
Initially you’ll be spending much of your time travelling the
enormous world of Fallout 3, however as you progress you will have
the option of other means to reach your destination. The game boasts a ridiculously large amount of side quests which some
compliment the main quest, however it is expected that Fallout 3
will take around 100 hours to complete which is definitely bang for
your buck.

Graphically, Fallout 3 uses the same engine of Oblivion which is the
Gamebryo engine, however it has received an impressive update on the
PlayStation 3 with smoother and sharper graphics.
The frame rate
still plays up but given the scope of the universe that you are
playing in, it’s a small price to pay. The background environments
are extremely detailed as are the characters that you encounter.
Match that with special effects and realistic lighting effects and
this is one visually impressive game. My biggest grip with the
graphics is the third person view which looks like your character
floats when he walks. Fortunately you can play in first person.
The soundtrack suits the game
perfectly with its retro inspired music that changes as the action
does. The voice acting is quite professional and nothing sounds too
contrived or forced. Through a surround sound setup, the background
ambience can be quite scary at times and really immerses you into
this addictive title.
3 is definitely a contender for game of the year with its engaging
gameplay that pays true homage to the original titles in the series.
Gorgeous graphics, great RPG customisation and an interesting yet
fun combat system, there’s little to complain about Fallout 3,
except for the odd slowdown or buggy camera angle. Be warned though,
once you start playing, you will find it difficult to turn off.