One of the best gaming franchises
has arrived on the PlayStation 3 with gamers once again donning
the role of Nero, in Devil May Cry 4. Both the denizens of
mankind and demonkind have sensed an eerie quiet between these
two realms, believing that peace is a brittle idea.

60 frames per second
Blend of familiar and new:
newcomer Nero clashes with veteran Dante
New characters and environments
Signature blend of guns and
Deep combo system rewards
stylish dispatching of enemies
Unique "Devil Bringer" arm
opens up a range of combo options
Distinct set of weaponry and
moves for Nero and Dante
Exceed System allows Nero to
charge up his sword with a throttle effect, revving up to
three levels with powerful attack options
New active style change system
for Dante allows him to switch styles and weapons on the
fly, producing crazy combo possibilities
History tells how the Dark Knight
Sparda fought against the dark emperor in order to liberate
humanity from his dark rule. Fighting a one-man war against the
emperor's army, Sparda became a legend. As time passed, a
religion was founded upon this renowned savior who vowed to rid
the world of demons as the Order of the Sword and their Holy
Knights fight a never evading crusade against these unholy
denizens. The background of Devil May Cry 4 is clichéd but is
actually quite an entertaining and refreshing yarn on the next
generation of console games.
The story of Devil May Cry 4 begins with a beautifully
choreographed introduction as our young hero Nero witnesses
Sparda's legendary son Dante slaughter countless knights of the
Order of the Sword. Vowing to bring justice to Dante, players
must control Nero in this action/adventure/fighter title with a healthy
dose of puzzles as his beliefs and allegiances are tested by all
those he encounters.

Another interesting aspect of Devil
May Cry 4 is that Nero is a very likeable character from the way
he delivers those cheesy lines to his own unique style of
justice and how he interprets the world. There is even a love
theme happening within the storyline between Nero and Kyrie. It
should be noted that Devil May Cry 4 is probably the only
game that takes around 20 minutes to install on the PS3 which is
a truly strange occurrence in the console world.
The gameplay of Devil May Cry 4 is perfect on the Sony
PlayStation 3 controller and for those unaware of the franchise,
the developers have ensured two different difficulty modes, one
for experienced players and another for newcomers. The tutorial
of Devil May Cry 4 gives a great tutorial to newcomers of the
various different moves of our hero Nero can perform, whether
it's through sword, guns or the new inclusion of the "Devil
Bringer" which allows the gamer to perform some remarkable
combat maneuvers or reach areas that no mortal man can touch, it
makes the title an enjoyable experience.
The game features a great
combat engine which gives the gamer a variety of different
combat maneuvers and at the end of each level, the player is
awarded a grade of how well they have performed. There is even a
RPG aspect of the title where gamers can select certain skills
they wish to learn, provided you have gathered enough souls
during the mission.
For the inexperience gamer there is an
auto-select option which goes a long way of making the title a
more enjoyable experience. Puzzles? Devil May Cry 4 is littered
with puzzles that are quite solvable, provided you have a touch
of patience. It should also be mentioned that the title contains
some brilliant boss designs and battles which help spice up the
sometimes repetitive foot solider battles.
Graphically, Devil May Cry 4 is a true cinematic experience on
the PlayStation 3 that features highly detailed gaming
environments, realistic character animations and detail plus
stunning special effects which truly showcase the abilities of
this console. Even though the graphic detail is quite high, the
frame rate of Devil May Cry 4 remains silky smooth, even when
there is quite a large amount of action happening on screen at
once. 60 frames per second actually!

Without spoiling the story for
those truly interested in the title, there is one scene of a
giant Demon that our hero fights and the detail and special
effects that is being thrown around at screen at once is simply
awe-inspiring. With that said, the true stars of the game are the characters
themselves that move with human-like grace and otherworldly
characteristics for some of your foes. The textures on the
characters are extremely detailed and sometimes through the
game, it's almost as if you are watching the next Hollywood
blockbuster movie.
My only regret with the graphic system is that there are quite a
few mini-movies throughout the game that automatically takes you
out of the gameplay and displays a movie. Just check out the
beautiful introduction of Devil May Cry 4 and I'm sure even the
most fussy of gamers will be drawn into this majestic world.
As with the graphics, the musical department of Devil May Cry 4
is majestic that mixes orchestral and modern instruments to
create a truly daunting soundtrack which suits the genre
perfectly. The voice acting is quite professional and even
though some of it is clichéd, it goes hand in hand with the
gameplay and tradition of the series. The sound effects assist
to draw you into this remarkable universe from the battles to
the background ambiences... truly an audio dynamite experience.
In conclusion, this is the game that the console world has been
lacking as Devil May Cry 4 offers another sturdy installment of
the franchise with some improved gameplay, 21st century next
generation console graphics and good old fashioned gameplay that
can be played by anyone. Feeling like you wish to boast your
prowess as Nero? The developers have created an online leader
board to showcase the best and worst players from around the
world. A thrilling experience from start to finish!