Deus Ex Human Revolution

Deus Ex: Human
Revolution is a prequel to 2000's Deus Ex. While the original Deus Ex
used nanotechnology and took place in 2052, Human Revolution uses
mechanical augmentation and takes place in the year 2027. Human
Revolution puts the player in the shoes of ex-SWAT Adam Jensen who is
hired by Sarif Industries, a company that makes and sells augmentations
to make people more than human.

Giving any Deus
Ex game a genre is difficult due to its unique nature. While other games
have been a blend of role-playing games and first-person-shooters, the
original Deus Ex was renowned for mixing these genres along with stealth
and free-roam. One of the selling points of the game was the choices the
player had. Every objective has multiple routes to it and you could even
make it through the entire game without killing a single person. People
who liked shooters could run and gun, others that liked stealth could
sneak around, and others could hack computers, mess with security
cameras, and even turn security robots to their side. So how does Human
Revolution stand up to the original? Quite well, actually. Like the
original, Human Revolution also features multiple routes and further
adds to the ability to use non-lethal force with the addition of more
non-lethal weapons and the ability to do non-lethal take downs (though
lethal versions also exist). The multiple routes are further increase
with the addition of augmentations to give you extra abilities. Some
examples of augmentations that boost your ability to get to your
objective include boosted jump that allows you to jump over fences, high
floors, and other obstacles, a cloaking device to turn invisible,
boosted strength to pick up and move things like vending machines, giant
crates, and other heavy objects, the ability to punch through walls, and
also the ability to see through walls.
Human Revolution
wouldn't be a Deus Ex game without conspiracy, secret organizations, and
other plots hidden in the shadows. Human Revolution seems a clear cut
story at first, but the more you investigate, look around, continue in
the story, and do side quest, the more you realize that all is not as it
seems. Various groups are working behind the scenes to get what they
want and build the future how they envision it and it is up to Adam
Jensen to get to the bottom of the conspiracy and stop them. Like the
previous Deus Ex, Human Revolution also offers multiple endings based on
choices you make at the end. While I won't spoil them, the endings are
extremely moving and very well done.

Despite some
changes that hard-core fans of the original were unhappy about, Eidos
Montreal did something very rare nowadays and listened to feedback as
they worked on the game. While they didn't change everything and do
whatever anyone wanted, after all that would have ruined the game, they
did listen to a few things and gave players choices in a few situations
where it wouldn't hurt the game. Due to the new developer and all new
team, people were worried Human Revolution would flop and not be true to
the original Deus Ex, but Eidos Montreal knew its roots and hidden
throughout the game are tiny little Easter eggs and shout outs to the
Human Revolution
lacks a multiplayer, but that isn't a bad thing due to the nature of the
game. While I like playing with friends, multiplayer in Human Revolution
wouldn't work. Countless games nowadays toss on a lackluster multiplayer
that doesn't fit or doesn't work and instead detracts from the single
player, but Human Revolution stuck to what it did best as a single
player game and did wonderfully for it.
The game
features three difficulties that are meant to allow all types of gamers
to enjoy the game. Those that aren't good at shooters or stealth, but
love story will be glad to know there is a specific mode solely for
enjoying the storyline. The game also features a regular mode for the
players who like a mix of a challenge, but don't want to have too hard a
time, and finally a hard mode that challenges players in an already
challenging game. While Deus Ex might feature a new health regeneration
system that the original lacked (without the right nanotechnology), it
is still a challenge due to the lethality of your opponents. Bullets
kill quickly in Human Revolution and getting caught in a straight up gun
fight with no cover will end in your death very quickly. Human
Revolution encourages strategic game play that forces the player to move
from cover to cover, watch out for flanking, and to set up traps rather
than just run in and spray bullets. Spraying bullets, in fact, is a very
poor choice due to the very limited ammo supply carried by enemies or
hidden in crates. Overall, the game gives a challenge without being
impossible and encourages players to think as opposed to just rush in.
Human Revolution
is rated M for mature for quite a few reasons. Due to the open world
nature of the game and the ability to do almost anything it contains
quite a bit of adult content. Human Revolution has intense violence and
blood, sexual themes (there is a whore house in China that you can find
if you look), strong language (the f-word is dropped quite a bit), drug
reference (pain killers and legal drugs mostly, though there are illegal
drug dealers on the streets of Detroit), and use of alcohol (Adam can
drink if you chose, though it blurs the screen for a bit and makes you
dizzy). Human Revolution doesn't sugarcoat the world. Bad people do bad
things, drugs exist, alcohol exist, and prostitutes exist. While the
game doesn't glorify these things, they do exist and the game is rated M
for a reason.

Human Revolution
supports an average of 20-40 hours of game play depending on how fast a
player rushes, how many side quest he does, and how long they take to go
through a level. The large cities and countless buildings and people
give plenty to explore and lots to find. And while the side quest are
optional, they reveal quite a bit of content about the world, including
a few quest which will actually reveal various character's back story
and family (including Adamn Jensen's). However, being side quest, they
are optional, so if players choose not to do them, they are not forced.
Multiple endings, multiple routes, and different outcomes based on your
actions in various missions and side quest all add to the reply value of
the game. In order to get the various endings, see all the routes, and
get all the back story, you will want to play the game over and over.
One feature
Human Revolution has that I really enjoyed was the ability to save
anywhere outside of cinema scenes. Even in cut scenes you could pause
and hit save to quit. This means that while there might be better places
to save and quit you can quit at almost anytime you want and pick right
back up again exactly where you left off. The game also features an
autosave system unlike the original, though it only saves at certain
points so your own save file is recommended.

The world itself
of Human Revolution is simply beautiful. The design and detail placed
into these futuristic cities is simply amazing. As you travel through
the cities you will see people graffiti the walls, talking amongst
themselves, or chatting on the cell phone. You will see paper blow in
the wind, ads for products, and even news stations discuss events in the
game. The cities themselves feel alive and the design into the cities
really makes you think you are in a futuristic society. When you look
around offices you can get a taste of personality as some offices are
neat and organized, while others have paper all over the floor, sticky
notes, graphs and pie charts, and more. Every building and every room
all add to the general feel of the location and make the world seem as
if you are really in the future. Even the emails seem real as you will
occasionally come across the classic Norwegian scam email about
depositing money into your bank account.
The sound of
Human Revolution is another feature that is beautiful. I'm not the type
to normally notice background music, but the music further enhances the
feel of the world and as you walk through the streets you can hear
people talking, hear radios talking about things ranging from politics
to the news, or even the sounds of windows breaking. The guns themselves
are also very distinct in their shots and each sounds unique and
realistic. Each weapon also gives off a unique range of sound that
detail how likely you are to be heard. Crossbows and tranquilizer guns
are almost completely silent, heavy rifles and grenade launchers are
ridiculously loud, and silenced guns are quieter, but still audible if
you are too close to someone.

The game allows
you to wander and explore and normally doesn't rush you to do the next
storyline once you finish the one you are on. However, this isn't always
the case as some storylines are understandably important to hurry and
complete. An example is the first mission Adam Jensen is sent on after
recovering from the operation that augmented him. A man is holding a
group of hostages and for various reasons the SWAT is told to wait until
Adam goes in and to let him do the mission. If the player takes his time
and chooses to ignore the mission he could arrive to find the hostages
already dead and people enraged that he took his time while they had to
listen to the hostages get murdered.
Overall, Deus
Ex: Human Revolution lives up to the high expectations that the original
Deus Ex set. The deep storyline, the countless secret plots behind the
scenes, the conspiracies, the moral and ethical questioning of what
makes you human, and more make Human Revolution an addictive and fun
game with lots of replay value. While it has changes due to the nature
of today's gaming society, it still feels like a Deus Ex game and is an
amazing game and one of the best games I have ever played. Not only does
it live up to the original, but it could probably be considered even
better. That, however, is up to the individual player to decide.
Game On
Michael Riling
#: About the
Score by Michael Riling - Giving a score is difficult...I personally
hate giving 10s because I feel every game can improve and ten being a
perfect score, well, is similar to saying it can't. However, I can't
find a category to remove a point. The game does exactly what it tries
to do. The only way to remove a point would be to take points from like
one or two bad sections and try and remove scores based on that.
(Example: Gameplay: Out of 40 hours of it, like 5 minutes for one of
the boss fights was bad gameplay. Removing a point because of one room
doesn't seem right. It's like removing a point from Sound because one
line in the entire game had bad acting). So while I dislike giving all
10s with a deep passion, I can't remove a point... Gameplay is amazing
and just like the original, graphics the world is fricken beautiful and
feels alive even if people aren't 100% realistic looking and their faces
aren't 100% motion capture. Sound it has an amazing soundtrack, the
people's voices and even street musicians blend in and don't interfere,
and the weapons sound unique and realistic. |