Darksiders II
The "sequel" to
DARKSIDERS (2010) is finally here and unlike the first incarnation where
gamers controlled War, one of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse, this
time it's DEATH. Although a sequel, the storyline of DARKSIDERS II runs
in parallel with the original story with Death not only attempting to
redeem his brother who was blamed for starting the Apocalypse but the
very fate of mankind is also in peril.

In the previous game, War was
by the Charred Council for the Apocalypse, however as you investigated,
you soon discovered that you were just a puppet and an evil almost as
old as eternity itself was the cause. For the player, it's time to pick
up your scythes and seek the mythical Tree of Life that will fix the
very fabric of reality. This is also the
world of the Makers but unfortunately their world has been touched by
the Corruption, so there are plenty of side-quests to be found along the
The game at times is reminiscent of Sony's GOD OF WAR series or Shadow
of the Colossus with its
powerful protagonist with similar over the top manoeuvres. However
unlike GOD OF WAR, DARKSIDERS II contains a strong RPG element with some
great combat and weaponry to be discovered. For newcomers to the series,
the game doesn't thrown the player into the deep end straight away as
the first few levels serves as a tutorial. Even as you do progress, the
game does give you useful tips along the way to assist in levelling up
or with battles. Fortunately DARKSIDERS II features a great save system
which almost allows you to save anywhere and the save points are quite
generous which definitely reduces controller rage.

As opposed to the
original game, Death feels considerably different than War and is a much
more faster and spritely character. Although the control mechanics are similar,
Death has different tricks up his sleeves and also has the ability to
call on his warhorse which adds to the gameplay. Navigating the environment is done
through the analog sticks as you explore the environment, run across
walls and climb up pillars to reach your destination. Even though there
is an amount of grinding in DARKSIDERS II, the world has been carefully
crafted in a way that doesn't become repetitive or boring. Rather it
creates this living breathing universe with some stylised graphics as
you explore the world and level up Death to fight the final boss.
Combat is the key to DARKSIDERS II which initially starts as a few
basic attacks but as you progress, Death can chain various combos together as
you slice and dice with your deadly scythes. Death even has access to
secondary weapons that can be found through the gaming world such as
war hammers, guns and spells. Secondary weapons also have a charge
attack which definitely comes in handy.
An element of RPG is used with DARKSIDERS II to upgrade your abilities with
two skill trees available for upgrading, Harbinger or Necromancer. Harbinger
is your classic warrior abilities, whereas Necromancer focuses on mage
abilities. You can even mix and match these abilities. Without spoiling
the game too much, there is this brilliant fight scene between Death and
his brother War that could be considered nothing more than epic. I loved
the way how War purposely walked towards his brother Death like the
ultimate badass before he unleashed his giant sword. It's the subtleties
in the game that make it such an enjoyable title, not to mention the
awesome ending.

Enemies in the game
range from standard grunts to powerful snow giants and demons which once
again are reminiscent of the God of War series or
Shadow of the Colossus,
especially when you need to engage in some quick-time event.
Nonetheless, it works perfectly in DARKSIDERS II and keeps things fresh,
and challenging.
Apart from levelling up and upgrading your abilities,
death has some powerful tricks up his sleeves like the ability to
transform into a giant reaper to smite his enemies or even better,
unleash a pack of murderous crows against them. That's another way at
how DARKSIDERS II rewards the player with these realistic achievements
and bonuses for the player.
Another highlight of the
game is the amount of loot available to the player which can be found
everywhere in the game from amour, weapons and other archaic items. The currency of the game is
gold coins which
allows you to train and purchase additional goodies for Death. For those that like
to use their brain, DARKSIDERS II is not all about combat as there's
plenty of exploration and puzzles to be found along the way as you
explore dungeons and other wondrous places.

Graphics & Audio
Graphically, DARKSIDERS
II is a decent looking title on the PlayStation 3 that looks like a
comic book with its stylised artwork. Some of the world's
that you encounter can be quite grim and dark, whereas, others appear
quite opposite such as the lush and forested world of the Tree of Life.
Characters are animated well, especially the gigantic bosses that you
must fight which creates this truly epic battle. Lighting, textures and special effects work well
to create this living breathing environment, although the frame rate
does drop at times. The musical score of
DARKSIDERS II is quite dramatic and suits the grim storyline well. Voice
acting is quite professional with just a thin level of cheese to help
break the seriousness nature of the characters and Death has some great

Final Level
In the end, DARKSIDERS
II may not be a perfect game but it's a fun game that works on almost
all levels. The only issues that I had with the game is that at times,
the frame rate drops and there were a few places where I got stuck and
the game needed a restart. Fortunately as mentioned, the save points
are quite plenty.
Nonetheless, the story, gameplay and general
atmosphere of the game made this one of the most fun games I've played
in months. When you can't stop thinking about the game during the day,
the developers have definitely done something right and hey... if it
keeps you busy for around 25 hours, then it's well money spent! |