Condemned 2: Bloodshot PS3 Review - www.impulsegamer.com -
Gameplay |
9.0 |
Graphics |
8.8 |
Sound |
8.8 |
Value |
8.8 |
Distributor: SEGA
Classification: MA15+
Review Date: April 2008
Reviewer: Edwin Millheim |
8.8 |
Condemned 2: Bloodshot
Ethan Thomas is back, a little worse for all the hell the poor guy
has gone through in the first game. For those who have not been
introduced to our hero yet, Ethan Thomas is the unstable and
disgraced Serial Crimes Unit investigator. Once again he finds
himself in the facing off against some really horrific enemies, and
in the vein of standard heart stopping horror films, several scares
that will have you jumping in your seat as you guide the character
through this hellish world. There will be more than once that an
overwhelming feeling caused by something frightfully shocking, or
terrifying; will send a shuddering fear through you.
Over all the game has upped it’s quality in story, looks and sound
making it a block buster of a sequel. Even with the occasional video
stutter while some areas load are not enough to steal away the fun
of this game.
Those of us that have played the original Condemned for the Xbox 360
launch will be right at home playing the character Ethan Thomas in
Condemned 2 Blood Shot on what ever platform you play it on, while
moving along through the adventure and dealing with the
supernatural. Let me tell you, there is just something about black
goo creatures pulling themselves out of the walls to come out and
attack you. That is darn right freaky.

A few rough patches poke the game in the eye, but as I noted not
enough to really take away from the game itself, some of the new
game play mechanics are just brilliant, it’s just the gunplay
mechanics that I had a bit of problems with. It just does not seem
right, or maybe I just stink at the gunplay, the hand to hand (And
clubbing weapons attacks are great though.) Oh the melee weapons are
oh so creative, a prosthetic limb? What morbid fun is that? The
fighting hand to hand has improved putting the beat down on your
opponents with uppercuts, and one, two punches and best of all once
they fall to their knees you can finish them off with the assistance
of the environment. Just try bashing their heads into a convenient
Evidence gathering is back again and seems much improved from the
original. In the original game, it was rather dumbed down, all you
really had to do was push a button on the controller and the correct
tool would be chosen and then just point and shoot and the evidence
is gathered. I applaud the designers for having some faith in the
consumer of their product to be brighter than a two watt light bulb.
In Blood Shot, the player is required to look around the scene, and
based on the details answer some puzzling questions; choose the
correct tool for the job. This makes the games investigative aspects
much more immersive in my opinion
The graphical look to the game is not spectacular, but they are darn
good. The graphics are dark and foreboding, a real gritty feel is
here, and too comes a more aggressive representation of both
violence and adult themes. Sounds are suitably creepy, and the music
achieves the effect of almost not being there, it’s so well meshed
to the game you almost don’t notice it, at least until the designers
want you too, then you jump out of your skin with a sudden music
stab, or subtle musical build that leads in the next horrific nerve
wrenching event in the game.
Some of the key points to the game are highlighted here,
New vicious combo attacks and
over-the-top finishing moves including bare-fisted combat,
grappling, bone breaking and neck snapping
Online gaming for up to eight
players, with three unique modes for both Xbox 360 and
PlayStation 3.
The arsenal is expanded to include
items taken straight from the environment like tire irons,
bricks, toilet seats, antlers, foos ball sticks, flaming 2x4s,
mannequin arms and mop buckets.
Massive gunplay is made possible by
powerful projectile-based weapons like the submachine-gun,
crossbow, shotgun, Uzi, 9MM, and .45 caliber pistol .Gritty
environments with secondary objectives and multiple path
Smart and devious enemies featuring
realistic AI behavior...befriend them and they might fight on
your side
Multiplayer is here, but I do not really feel like there is anything
special to set this apart in the multiplayer realm. Condemned 2
Blood Shot stands on its ultimate single player experience as a
first person survival horror romp more than its multiplayer
experience by a long shot.
This is a bunch of horrific fun for your PS3 that should be played
in the dark, be prepared and make sure not to have a full bladder
when playing! Condemned 2 Blood Shot. A true gamer’s game.
Have fun, play games
Edwin Millheim
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