After the PC and the XBox 360 versions of Clive Barker's Jericho,
it's now turn for PlayStation 3 owners to experience the twisted
world of Jericho in this squad based first person shooter.
to mankind, the world of supernatural does exist in the world and
the Jericho team are called to investigate a strange occurrence in
an ancient middle eastern city. Thus it's up to the gamer to
traverse realms and prevent Earth from being over run by these
otherworldly forces.

Never playing the PC nor 360 version of the title, I've read
glowing reviews for the game, however I'm a little bemused as to
what happened with the PlayStation 3 version. Although in its
essence, Jericho is a apt first person shooter, the quad based
mechanics are a little lacklustre that forces you to resurrect squad
member time and time again due to their strange AI.
you can move past the lacking squad based mechanics, the gameplay although
clichéd and sometimes predictable is enjoyable while running around
and killing things, however playing baby sitter to your squad does
get on your nerves even at the best of times.
It's all about the paranormal powers baby! Fortunately your other
characters have other paranormal abilities that must be used to coincide with
the creatures and gaming environment such as Black's telekinesis
powers which is kind of fun and really works well with the gameplay
or another interesting power is Reverend
Rawlings healing powers which is great for raising injured team
Although the storyline of Jericho is quite linear, there are still
enough scares and shocks throughout the title to give even the most
seasoned gamer a little shock here and there, especially the bizarre and twisted
creations from the mind of Clive Barker.
Thankfully the control system of the PS3 is quite well mapped on the
controller and even the most novice of gamers will be able to pick
this title up from the start and navigate quite successfully through
the gaming environment. The developers make good use of the
different characters in the game which must be used in conjuction
to successfully complete the title. There's puzzles, mysteries and
best of all enjoyable combat.
Graphically, Clive Barker's Jericho looks a little worse for wear on
the PlayStation 3 as though something was missing from the initial
port of the game. I'm not saying that the graphics are horrible,
they look a little dated on this high end console which looked like
a dream on both the PC and XBox 360 versions.
The background
environments are quite detailed, however the real stars of the title
are the characters themselves who have been realistically created
and move with a human like grace. Match that with some awesome
lighting effects and great special effects and the title looks

The soundtrack of Jericho is great and suits the genre perfect as is
the character acting and various strange and bizarre sound effects.
The developers make good use of the ambient background sounds to
give you a few nerve chilling scares. Needless to say, you really
need a good system to enjoy the audio aspect of the title and a
Plasma TV also helps.
conclusion, Clive Barker's Jericho is an entertaining game on the
PS3, however is hampered with strange squad based AI that
unfortunately sometimes hamper the enjoyment of the title. If
you enjoyed previous Clive Barker games than you might want to check
this title with a balanced mix of the supernatural and real-world
Interesting but nowhere as near as great as others have made out.