Catherine is probably one of the most
unique games to be released on the PlayStation 3 in quite some time as
it definitely strays from the traditional gaming norm. In essence, the
game is a devious puzzle thriller on the PS3 that contains a colourful
yet interesting romantic horror theme with a truly emotional
protagonist. It's definitely not your average PS3 game and because of
this, the end result is relatively impressive.
protagonist of Catherine is 32-year old Vincent Brooks who is torn by
his own emotions and desires, especially when it comes to his
relationships. As a result he is plagued by gruesome nightmares which
have the power to take his life and it seems that these nightmares have
led to a string of deaths of single young men. The game is also
beautifully presented like an anime story with its stylised animation
that looks amazing in FULL HD as opposed to the relatively harsh

In the
game, Vincent is your average man and although he doesn't have any
delusions of grandeur, he becomes involved in a deadly game with two
women. His girlfriend during the day is the loyal Katherine who
desperately wants to marry her lover and may even be pregnant, however
Vincent feels anxious about this long term commitment.
is where the "other" girl Catherine comes into the picture where he
meets her at a bar called The Stray Sheep. Unlike Katherine, Catherine
is the party girl who believes in freedom and having a good time now and
to hell with the consequences. Regrettably for Vincent, he breaks his
commitment to Katherine and awakes next to the beautiful blonde
seductress Catherine in his bed. To make matters worse apart from the
strange dreams that he is having, he discovers that this Catherine is
far from the fun loving girl that he desired as her jealous nature is
unleashed upon Vincent. Needless to say if Vincent cheats on Catherine,
there will be hell to pay!

Vincent is now in a dilemma and it's up to the player to help him solve
this problematic situation through some carefully laid questions
throughout the game. With a lack of sleep and a potential psychopath
that plagues both his waking and sleeping moments, the anxiety soon
starts to build and he becomes a shell of the former man he was. With a
healthy amount of cinemas, the key aspect to Catherine is the bizarre
puzzles that at times are reminiscent of the original Prince of Persia
game. These gaming moments take place in the dream world that often
involve sheep and demons where if you make the wrong move, it could mean
the difference between life and death.
However in the waking world, the player does have the choice to make
moral or immoral decisions that does effect how the gameplay will play
out and is actually quite a psychological ride for the player. This
"choice" actually gives the player 8 ways of finishing the game.
The main
gameplay of Catherine is rather quite simplistic as you need to climb
blocks up a tower in order to reach the exit. Unfortunately this is
easier said than done and as you climb, you soon realise that you will
face a variety of obstacles. In order to bypass these obstacles, blocks
must be pushed and pulled in order to make stairways to each the top. As
you progress the blocks become more and more dangerous and opposed form
the crumbling blocks early in the game, these soon change to torture and
ice blocks to name a few of the obstacles that you face. And then you
have the enemies and the boss battles.

battles can be quite insanely difficult at times, even on the normal
level of the game because not only must you contend with the obstacles
in the tower but also the attacks from the boss. I must admit that I
did get inundated with controller rage in Catherine; especially early on
as the control system did seem a little stiff and fiddle some… not to
mention those horrible camera angles. Fortunately there are a few spawn
points on the tower should you fall and items also assist in progress
such as pillows that server as extra lives.
Another positive of Catherine is that every level can be played
differently but as some levels are extremely difficult to complete, this
title will definitely be a one play game for most, even with the
inclusion of a score based system in the game. There is an online
leaderboard system to publish your scores and I was quite surprised at
how fast some of these levels were finished. But with that said,
Catherine is a thoroughly frustrating experience that is not for the
faint hearted.

Graphically, the cutscenes look gorgeous, especially with the authentic
Japanese anime that enhance the overall gameplay. The in-game graphics
are a little bland but there's some decent special effects and lighting
to help break things up. The bosses also look like quite bizarre in this
demon and lustful type of way. Music is just as good thanks to Shoji
Meguro (Shin Megami Tensei) which gives the title a very surreal
soundtrack, especially with all the love and hate around Vincent. Voice
acting is equally as enjoyable as it enhances the overall anime

Final Thoughts?
mentioned, this game is not your norm as it's heavily puzzle orientated
so unfortunately that will cause this game to find a niche market. Given
that the puzzles can be excruciatingly deviant at times, rage controller
is another aspect of this title that will sway some people for playing
it. With that in mind, I found this game one of the most frustrating
titles that I have EVER played on the PS3. I’m still screaming at the
game! However as I followed Vincent in this psychological tale, I found
the puzzles once completed quite rewarding and generally the answers are
staring you right in the face. This is definitely a title for lovers of
puzzles… and more specifically, difficult puzzles! |