Battlefield Bad Company transforms gamers into Preston Marlowe, a
new recruit in the 222nd Army battalion that is led by the battle
scarred Sergeant Redford, the soul of the B Team Company.
Joined by Sweetwater and Haggard, the B-Company are used by the
military for those covert operations and without spoiling the
storyline, something changes their motives which assists in keeping
the game original and entertaining as you fight your way through a
plethora of vast and diverse missions in EA's latest blockbuster
first person shooter with a touch of squad based mechanics.

Developed by DICE, Battlefield Bad Company truly up the ante of this
genre which is reminiscent of Red Faction as almost anything in the
game can be destroyed and does allow for some interesting gameplay.
Although in its essence, the game is your traditional first person
shooter, the developers do add a few twists and turns along the way
in terms of story and gameplay to keep you motivated from start to

the norm for those first person shooters at present is the auto heal
function, the player does not have access to this feature in Bad
Company which makes things even more challenging as the adrenaline
is pumping and if you are low on health, you need to use a syringe
that will restore your health, however the catch is that these
limited in number.
The game also involves a healthy amount of stealth as the player
attempts to complete the various missions but fortunately their is a
map available which assists in this area.
The single player mode is quite entertaining, albeit frustrating at
the best of times but the engaging gameplay and story twists make
this one of the better first person shooter for 2008.
Once you have completed the single player, an in-depth online mode
is available that allows 24-players to compete, each with their own
class that include assault, recon, demolitions and support that all
must work as a team as each has their own specialised weapons and
equipment to complete the tasks.

Graphically, the title is quite impressive on the PS3 with high
resolution details that surpasses many games. The character models
are quite detailed and are well animated that work hand-in-hand with
the gaming environment.
From the Hollywood style explosions to realistic lighting effects,
Battlefield Bad Company gives the gamer a truly unique and graphical
experience that will keep even the most staunch gamers entertained.
My favourite aspect of the title is the destructible environment and
realistic weapon effects that adds a true uniqueness to the game.
The musical score is brilliant with its over the top majestic feel
as is the voice acting that is quite professional and suits all the
characters in the game. Add in a surround sound system and this is
as close as hopefully most of us will get to experiencing a war.
conclusion, Battlefield Bad Company is a breath of fresh for 2008
that takes the genre to the next stage and gives the gamer a truly
entertaining first person shooter experience with that touch of
squad based mechanics. Go out and get this baby now!