Battlefield 3 or BF3 is another
one of 2011's most anticipated games and EA have definitely done
their homework in order to rev up the gaming audience such as online
trailers to TV and movie campaigns. Upping the ante from previous
games, BF3 is an amazing experience that contains a decent
single-player campaign and some lush multiplayer gaming in this
"almost" definitive first person shooter experience for the
PlayStation 3. Multiplayer is truly amazing...

However before I get
to the multiplayer, lets have a quick recount of the story behind
this game. In terms of story, it's actually a little lacklustre as
you play an elite soldier who is being interrogated by his
superiors. And just like a certain "Call of Duty" game, the story
goes back and forth to the present, explaining your involvement in
various campaigns around the world as you play certain "memories".
Although the story
is not the most original game of the year, it does have this great
Hollywood war movie feel, especially with its larger than life
explosions and DICE should be commended with its virtual tension
that they have implemented into the plot as you're always on the
edge of your seat.
There are also some
really cool moments in the game such as the earthquake near the
start of the campaign and my favourite, sky diving. It's these
little moments that make the sometimes lacklustre story so fun to
play and the single-player mode will take most seasoned gamers
around 7 or so hours to successfully finish. There's also a couple
of quick-time inspired events as well.

You also get to
access vehicles in the single-player mode and although most are
quite enjoyable, there were a few frustrating aspects in the game
such as trying to target planes and enemies from the skies. I almost
had rage controller as I was trying to target the airport at night
and with clouds... growl!
Another issue with
the single-player game is that the AI is a little stupid. In most
instances, you can basically take them out one by one and if you
keep your ground, none will try to investigate. Your virtual buddies
will assist but for the most part, you become the target and you
need to rely on your trusty DualShock controller. However even with
these niggles, the gameplay is still thoroughly enjoyable,
especially the vehicles, the graphics and the good old fashioned

But like I said...
multiplayer is where all the action is and when you play with and
against real-players, it's actually like you are on the battlefield
as you work in conjunction with your teammates to take out your
enemy. I remember getting killed once and I just watched the action
unfold around me.
It was like I was
watching a war movie on TV that actually made me think, this is what
war is really like. It was quite a surreal experience and DICE have
done a brilliant job at their post modernist interpretation of the
battlefield. Thanks to my teammates for not healing me via their
defibrillators or I would not have had this moment. Another great
aspect about multiplayer is that the battlefields are huge as are
the teams that join and whether you want to play a soldier, a
engineer or just want to fly a plane or chopper, it's all possible
in BF3.

Add in levelling and
online leaderboards and most gamers will be playing the online
aspect of BF3 for a considerable amount of time. The good thing
about getting "experience points" in Battlefield 3 is that the game
rewards for not just killing but also assisting others in the
This is definitely
not a game for heroes but rather, it's a team experience and that's
why the previous game was so popular. Thankfully DICE have continued
with this theme. I had to force myself to write this review because
I wanted to play with my mate online... it's such an addictive yet
satisfying experience.

Graphics & Audio
When it comes to
graphics... BF 3 is an amazing technological feat on the PlayStation
3. Thanks to the Frostbite 2.0 engine, the realism in this game is
quite uncanny, especially when you interact with the gaming universe
and see other characters interact as well.
With some gorgeous
lighting and texture details plus some awesome particle effects that
are to die for, this game makes full use of your FULL HD TV,
especially with the huge Hollywood style of explosions... BOOM!
There however is a price to pay for the graphics and at times, the
engine did stutter and there was some pop-up but thankfully the
luscious graphics and strong gameplay are more than ample for you to
forgive the game. Also, some facial details are a little Spartan but
overall, this is one sexy looking game on the PS3.
Speaking of BOOMS,
the use of surround sound is phenomenal in this game and if you
don't have a pair of high quality headphones or surround sound,
you're definitely doing yourself an injustice because everything is
crystal clear and DICE have successfully managed to recreate the
sounds of the battlefield. From bullets whizzing past your head to
the shouts of your team under heavy fire, realism was the key here
and its realism is its success. Voice acting is quite professional
and only assists the overall experience of this game.
Final Level
Battlefield 3 is not
that greatest game but rather, it's a very good game and although
the single player campaign is a little dull in terms of story, there
are some stellar moments in it to help get you through to the finish
line and actually make you crave more. This is where the multiplayer
aspect comes into play, especially with its realistic warzones and
elements of Hollywood to make it bigger than life. With co-op
missions, leaderboards and some great vehicles, Battlefield 3 is a
definite must have for any first person shooter fan!