Alice: Madness Returns
It seems that 2011 is the year for classic
old school sequels and after the highly anticipated release of Duke
Nukem Forever which we thoroughly enjoyed, it's time for Alice to
return. For those that don't know Alice, it was a third-person action
game released in 2000 for the PC. It was based on the amazing
re-imagining of Alice in Wonderland, thanks to American McGee which saw
our heroine admitted to Rutledge Asylum due to the horrible death of her
family. To escape the pain, she was once again drawn into Wonderland
which was flawlessly recreated on the PC and created a truly captivating

Ten years later and here
we are again with players once against controlling the delightful Alice
as she returns to Wonderland. Without spoiling the story, Alice is
almost rehabilitated and as she walks the streets of Victorian
London, she is unwittingly drawn back into Wonderland. Things have
definitely changed since her last stay and this time, her journey is
personal and the deeper she delves into Wonderland, the more clues she
will discover about her family's death. It's definitely an
existentialist journey into the psychedelic realm of one girl and her
interpretation of Wonderland.
Given that, Alice is not
your average gaming character as this poor girl has been
institutionalised for part of her life since her house burnt down and
her parents were killed. But as they say, payback is a B**CH and Alice
does the only thing she knows how, by grabbing her mystical Vorpel blade
and slaying all those who stand in her way. What I do like about the
story is that just as Alice is kept in the dark about her past, so is
the player as the game slowly unveils certain memories to piece together
her life. This is done by finding certain objects in the gaming world
which are littered throughout.

So what exactly is
Alice: Madness Returns. In simplistic terms, Alice: Madness Returns is a
modern arcade platformer that requires Alice to engage in a variety of
quests, jump around and engage in a never ending hoard of enemies. Just
like the original, the game contains plenty of puzzles to solve and
strange twisted environments to explore from air vents to levers and
platforms or mushrooms that will make you bounce.
With lots of shooting
and exploring, Alice: Madness Returns keeps you glued to your screen,
especially the entertaining ways that you can dispatch your foes from
combos to a variety of weapons to be found and used. The game contains
classic arcade physics such as double jumps, or a swirl manoeuvre that
has Alice gliding to the ground. My favourite power of Alice is the
ability to turn into butterflies that is great if an enemy has locked
onto you. Like the books, Alice can even shrink herself to reach places
that her normal human self could not.

There are even elements
of Zelda incorporated into the game through its use of combat strategies
as Alice darts around and uses some strange items from her hobby horse
(mace) to bombs and her deadly blade. Enemies are quite diverse in the
game and pay homage to Alice's mental condition such as dead inkblots to
violent sword totting insects and even baby-like creatures. Combat is
fun the game and sometimes you need to use the environments to your
advantage. Boss battles range from hard to easy but once you have
figured out the pattern, it does make things easier.
On the PlayStation 3,
the controls of this game are a little bit of a hit and miss at times
which sometimes effects your gaming, especially when timing is involved.
Another issue is the targeting system of Alice that also adds to player
frustration, especially when there are several enemies around. But it
seems that these control issues are caused by a few graphical glitches
and thankfully it doesn't hamper the gaming too much. It is still quite
playable! The game is also progressed through some beautiful in-game
cinematics and those memory snippets that you find for Alice. The first
few levels of the game serves as a tutorial that will teach you how to
navigate Alice in Wonderland and even London.

Graphically, Alice:
Madness Returns is a bizarre looking fame on the PS3 and is like the
developers were all popping some sort prohibited substance to create the
twisted world of Lewis Caroll's Alice in Wonderland. The gaming
environment is quite diverse for this title such as the winter
wonderlands to twisted forests, all reaping of bizarre adaptations of
Caroll's popular children's book with a hint of Tim Burton thrown in for
good measures.
With that said, the
environments are gorgeous and sometimes you just need to stop and smell
the virtual roses. Unfortunately the awesome graphics sometimes
interfere with the gameplay but for most part, it's eye candy. I really
enjoyed the realistic hair movement for Alice that looks real. My only
biggest gripe for the animation is that Alice seems to float as opposed
to walking. The music is just as engaging as the first game and really
adds to the atmosphere of the game as is the voice acting and great
sound effects.

In the end Alice:
Madness Returns is a fun game that really twists the traditional arcade
platformer with the acid like world of the original Lewis Caroll's Alice
in Wonderland. It's like Alice has gone psychotic. The gameplay is good,
even with the few gameplay and graphical nuisances as the title has a
real charm to it. Once the game sinks its psychotic teeth into you, you
will want to finish this crazy title just to see what happens to the
loveable Alice! Brilliantly addictive! Still want more? The original
game is included as a bonus download for those that want to relive the
magic or for new users to experience the beginning of this macabre
story. |