30 January, 2012 –
Nintendo Australia confirms that TEKKEN 3D PRIME EDITION will be available for Nintendo 3DS from 23 February 2012.
TEKKEN 3D PRIME EDITION for Nintendo 3DS sees the famous King of Iron Fist Tournament fought in 3D for the first time, with the unique functionality of the Nintendo 3DS delivering a more realistic and dynamic TEKKEN experience. Click here to find out more about TEKKEN 3D PRIME EDITION.
Further to TEKKEN 3D PRIME EDITION, why not look out for these other Nintendo 3DS titles: Resident Evil Revelations, Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D and Kid Icarus: Uprising.
Resident Evil Revelations and the new Nintendo 3DS accessory Circle Pad Pro, will be available 2 February. Resident Evil Revelations will be available to players as a standalone game, but can also be played with the Circle Pad Pro. The Circle Pad Pro is a second analogue stick with two more shoulder buttons, enabling you to interact with the environments in Resident Evil Revelations in new ways. Konami’s Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D, available 8 March and Kid Icarus: Uprising available March (date TBC) will also be compatible with the Circle Pad Pro.
For more information, please visit: www.nintendo.com.au

RAGE HD Updated to version 2.0 – Adds Two New Episodes for In-App Purchase!
Bethesda Softworks are pleased to announce that RAGE HD has updated to v2.0. This update includes new melee combat, official support for iOS 5, and enables the in-app purchase of two new episodes, Kraken and Aqueduct. The new episodes are available for purchase for $1.99 via the “Store” button on the RAGE HD main menu.
Battle your way through the hit of the wastelands, Mutant Bash TV, when you’re cast in the starring role of a post-apocalyptic game show. You’ll be stalked by hungry mutants while you scour pulse-pounding levels for ammo and cash pick-ups. Make a deal with J.K Stiles, the show’s menacing host, and see if you have what it takes to survive this carnage-filled carnival of death!
RAGE HD is available for download on iTunes for your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch for $1.99.

Sydney, Australia – January 27, 2012 – Deep Silver has released a trailer showing the brand new story DLC “Ryder White” for the award-winning game Dead Island. The DLC will will be available early next week.
This DLC offers a unique new perspective into the incidents in the main story of Dead Island: This time the player will get the chance to play as Ryder White, the antagonist of the main game; learn more about his motivations and why, from his point of view, he did what he had to do. This fresh take on the Dead Island story shows Ryder White both as a military man and a loving husband.
The DLC stars Ryder White as a newly playable character and offers a single player campaign with several hours of story content with twists and turns that will shed new light on the game’s happenings. Two blueprints and weapons will further expand the already impressive arsenal of Dead Island.
The DLC will be available on February 01, 2012 for the PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system, the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft and Windows PC.